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Wednesday, March 14,2012 Guitar star Grammy winner Isbin picks up on
'Passion'by Rich Tupica
When classical guitarist Sharon Isbin played a prestigious concert at
the White House for the Obama family, she was able to honestly say
afterward, "I wasn't nervous."

That confidence is a testament to her steadfast skills with the nylon
strings and her poised on-stage coolness. At the November 2009 show,
Isbin performed just feet away from the First Family and did what she
does at every show: sat, guitar in lap, masterfully nailing each note.

Perhaps the Grammy winner's interest in transcendental meditation
helps to ensure no sour notes will be plucked, but after watching her
fingers fluently glide across the fret board, one quickly realizes why
she's often called "the Monet of Classical Guitar."

"In her hands, the guitar takes on the precision of a diamond, each note
a clear, shining facet that catches, prismlike, a glimpse of the
spectrum," noted The New York Times´ Anne Midgette.

Isbin plays Sunday at the Pasant Theatre at the Wharton Center.

While the 55-year-old Minnesota-native is regarded as one of the best
classical players, after 46 years of playing, she prefers to mix it up.
Isbin's catalogue includes over 25 recordings, extending from
Baroque and Spanish/Latin to 20th century to crossover and jazz-fusion.
Isbin said she embraces her versatility.

"I've never seen that as a problem," Isbin said, in a phone
interview. "It's really an asset in that I've drawn so many
different kinds of music. For me it's all under one umbrella, which
is `good music.' That way, I don't see boundaries and
I'm not limited by them."

Having no borders means Isbin can collaborate with an assortment of
players from all genres, including numerous collaborations with virtuoso
rock `n' roll guitar slinger Steve Vai, who is featured on
Isbin's new album "Guitar Passions." So what sets
Isbin's style apart from Vai's?

"He's playing steel strings with a pick and I'm playing
nylon strings with my fingernails — that's the first major
difference. Also, he's improvising," Isbin explained. "We
bring our worlds together in a way that has to do with the kind of music
we choose to play. He and I have been collaborating for almost 10 years

That´s not out of the ordinary for Isbin.

"I was doing unusual collaborations long before that was even
considered to be popular, dating back to the 1980s," she said.
"I really learned how wonderful it is to be able to mix steel string
with nylon and to mix improvisation with a classical style."

While "Guitar Passions" features guest spots from the likes of
Nancy Wilson of Heart, obviously Isbin also frequently connects with
artists within the modern classical scene.

"I have worked with many contemporary composers to have works
written for me," she said. "One is called the `Joan Baez
Suite,' inspired by songs that she made famous in the early part of
her career. In fact there'll be two of those on the concert I play
in East Lansing."

Isbin's 2009 album, "Journey to the New World," breathed new
life into centuries-old folk music. The disc, which features violinst
Mark O'Connor and vocals by Joan Baez, also snagged a 2010 Grammy
for best instrumental soloist performance (without orchestra).

"That was an exploration of folk music, starting in the 16th century
in the British Isles and then crossing the ocean with the immigrants and
their music and their dreams to the New World," Isbin said of the
"Journey" album. "After the success of that album, Sony
asked if I would consider doing something that would be a tribute to the
guitar and would honor people from the past as well as the present. That
was how `Guitar Passions' was born."

Isbin said she plans to play some selections off the new record at the
Wharton Center, giving East Lansing a first-hand view of her ability to
seamlessly blend genres.

"The CD has a very Latin American/Spanish flare to it," she
said. "Most of the music comes from those roots. We wanted to create
something that would be really unique and it would combine the classical
world and bring into that world people from the rock, pop, and jazz

Her journey into music started when Isbin was 9. Her discipline at an
early age enabled her to gain notice while still in her teens; she never
looked back.

"When I was 14, I won a competition and the award was to perform
with the Minnesota Orchestra," she recalled.

"I walked out on the stage in front of 5,000 people, and I decided
this was more exciting than what I had been spending my time doing,
which was building and launching model rockets and sending little worms
and grasshoppers up into space. So I switched gears and started to
practice five hours a day on guitar, and things sort of went from

Sharon Isbin

7 p.m. Sunday, March 18

Pasant Theatre at Wharton Center


$35; $15 students (two per MSU ID and one per non-MSU college ID


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