Why is it 'incorrect' if you say something wrong, deceptive but a
blatant lie if Barry does so?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, iranitea no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> >
> > > > Here's a question for you -- if I (trained as a
> > > > TM teacher by Maharishi) were to teach someone
> > > > to meditate and teach them according to the exact
> > > > instructions he told me to impart to students,
> > > > but changed only one thing -- the mantra -- would
> > > > it be the same technique, or a different one? What
> > > > if I taught them to use the mantra "Ram" (the one
> > > > Maharishi *started* teaching TM with, for everyone)
> > > > instead of one from the latest "official" list?
> > > > Would it be "different" than TM, or the same?
> > >
> > > It would be different than TM as taught by Maharishi
> > > Mahesh Yogi for decades, as Barry knows but figures
> > > Emily doesn't.
> >
> > This is a very deceptive answer.
> Well, no, it isn't. It may be *incorrect* in the case of
> TM teachers who got only the two early Rishikesh mantras
> and are still giving them out today, but how many such
> teachers are there? IOW, it's a minor inaccuracy.

First of all it may not be 'incorrect', it certainly IS incorrect,
wrong, false and misleading. And it is not minor, because you can not
determine how active early TM teachers still are. This is regarding any
teacher until 1969. Some of the most successful TM teachers were/are
from this time. These were the mantras - if everything followed the
usual course - the Beatles got. Many of these early TM teachers
initiated many thousands into TM. Many were early scientists who made
research on TM, I know one of them, who is now an independent teacher.
Many had charisma later TM teachers who were on the mass courses of La
Antilla or Mallorca didn't have.
And even if they are just a 'minor inaccuracy' they prove the principle,
what, so it seems you easily lose out of sight: One (or two) mantras are
really enough. And that's all that Barry was trying to say. This is
further substantiated by my further comment about the advanced
techniques. Why have only one mantra in the advanced technique and 16
mantras for TM?
The truth is the context, in which TM is presented: In many of the
mantra oriented traditions, actually only one mantra is given. Or
rather, stating it more clearly: all receive the same mantra. Many of
these traditions, like Surat Sabhd Yoga, or Rhadasoami give this mantra
in group initiations, the mantra may vary from group to group, but
initiation by a master is a necessity. Here in these groups, the context
is a different one from TM. The 'story' is that the master imbibes the
mantra with power, and the mantra connects therefore the master and the
Even though many TM teachers would subscribe to such a view, as they
believe, that the power of the mantra comes through the holy tradition
and more specifically GD, this is not the official TM story. It's too
mystic, not scientific enough. Another story had to be created, and that
is that the mantras are secret, and were just revived by GD, and had to
be individually selected. This doesn't explain the need for the puja in
TM, but it very well explains the need of personal instruction. Thus an
old story (context) is substituted by a newer invention of the story,
but unfortunately this story works only as long, as people don't know
the secrets, that is the varying mantras over time, and the method of
selection. In a way, the variety of mantras in TM is just a concession
to this story, and the remedy is the first advanced technique, which is
again just one mantra for all.
My feeling is that this 'story' doesn't hold true for the internet age,
where you can't just keep these things, (mantras, method of selection)
secret anymore, that is to say, the story doesn't work anymore.
I find it also interesting, that while TM stresses so much on individual
instruction, that the siddhis  clearly mark the way to group
instruction. People seem to think that their mantra couldn't work,
unless they receive it in privacy, not the same is true for the siddhis,
which most people received via audiotape.

>  The truth is, as is obvious to any real
> > TM teacher, that each teacher carries the mantra list that he got on
> > course, for the rest of his life. If anybody got to be a teacher
> > a certain time, like the early courses in Rishikesh, he had indeed
> > two mantra's to give, and if he got recertified (I didn't), he still
> > would only give out these two mantra's today. For decades at least,
> > not until now, people get different mantras, according to the mantra
> > list at the time of their teachers TTC, as the OFFICIAL TM. And one
> > further truth is, that all people get the SAME mantra with their
> > advanced technique. (Their may have been some exceptions to that
> > that the original mantra was combined with the adjunct 'namah', but
> > and large it was substituted completely, which also means that after
> > few advanced techniques, all share the same mantra.) Now that, and a
> > other observations should make it clear, that the policy of handing
> > many different mantras, was simply to obscure and deceive the public
> > came about in Norway after newspapers started to discuss that all TM
> > meditators had the same mantra). It was never a real requirement.
> >

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