On Jun 27, 2012, at 12:19 AM, Xenophaneros Anartaxius wrote:

Sam Harris is writing a book, with the working title 'Waking Up: A Scientist Looks at Spirituality' due to be finished sometime near the end of the year. This one should be interesting.


It should be very interesting, thanks for the heads up.

Harris and numerous others, along with HHDL, are helping to forge a neuro-scientifically based dharma: no gods necessary, all gods welcome. And the first longitudinal studies to follow someone from the beginning of practice thru to buddhahood are already well under way.

This was an interesting slant, it shows the depth of his inquiry and skepticism:

One behavior that you can readily notice in many gurus, as well as in their students, is an unusual commitment to maintaining eye contact. In the best case, this behavior emerges from a genuine comfort in the presence of other people and deep interest in their well-being. Given this frame of mind, there may not be a reason to look elsewhere. But maintaining eye contact can also become a way of “acting spiritual”— and an intrusive affectation. Needless to say, there are people who maintain rigid eye lock, not from an attitude of openness and interest —or from a desire to appear open and interested—but as an aggressive and narcissistic show of dominance. (Psychopaths tend to make exceptionally good eye contact.) Whatever the motive behind it, there can be tremendous power in an unwavering gaze.

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