On 07/17/2012 02:06 PM, wgm4u wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Robert" <babajii_99@...> wrote:
>> http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-vows-to-make-texas-a-battleground-state/article/2502379
> And this ought to scare the hell out of you, the (illegal) immigrants of 
> today aren't coming here to become Americans!!!! Basically, it's an 
> invasion....

Mexico needs to clean up it's act and stopped treating their people like 
slaves.  It wouldn't take much to improve the infrastructure and provide 
a nice sustainable standard of living for it's people. It would also 
revitalize tourism.  Granted they wouldn't have the US standard of 
living but you don't need that one which is bloated and unsustainable 
(not to mention based on credit and way too much debt) but it could be 
very nice.  I was always amused at the movie "Sleep Dealers" which takes 
place in Mexico in a future where people still live in shacks but have 
satellite HDTV.  That's because those are affordable even these days.  
IOW, some niceties (including Internet) don't need to cost a lot as lot 
as you keep the profiteers out of the picture.  And if the director were 
doing the movie these days it would probably be HDTV over the Internet.

Mexico though has a long history of corruption including the Europeans 
who opted for there over the US because they have plantations with 
plenty of wage slaves.  Ever wonder why those Spanish speaking radio 
stations play a lot of polkas?  That was the German influence in Mexico 
going back to the 1800s.  Want to see what corrupt capitalism does to a 
country just look at Mexico.

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