Barry wrote in reference to this post and Dan:
You've got to give him credit. No one else even tried. :-)

Share's reply:
I did.  

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] An Open Question to FFLers

Good morning TurqB and thank you for asking this question.  In the spirit of 
the Byron Katie question, "Can you absolutely know that's true,"  I don't know 
if Maharishi was enlightened.  btw, I have yet to find a situation in which I 
can answer yes to that BK question.  Not a single one.  

And I also experience what I call knowingness which is more than intellectual 
knowledge and includes intuition as well as instinctual, bodily and emotional 
intelligence.  This intuitive knowingness is what I experienced when I attended 
the TM intro lecture.  I knew that it was what I had been seeking.  And so I 
started TM the weekend before the Merv Griffin Show.

37 years later and between 5 and 10 programs total missed due to travel and or 
illness, and this intuitive knowing is still what keeps me on this path.  As 
I've shared here before, I have investigated many other systems.  I no longer 
look to the TMO for my emotional healing tho I do experience it as the 
foundation for my emotional development.  By which I mean I don't think the 
other stuff would work as well as it has if I hadn't been doing TMSP.  Which 
also gets a lot of credit for developing my intuitive knowing.   

When I left MUM 10 years ago to seek the emotional healing I needed, I was at 
peace with TMO.  I had come to know that TMO is in the relative, thus best not 
to expect it to be perfect.  Since then I have come to understand about 
internal dysfunctional families and how they are reflected in any and all 
groups one might join.  

Of course the leader of any such group would be a reflection of one's inner 
father.  Both positive and negative projections leftover from childhood will be 
put on this person.  Best to be conscious about such projections.  

Also as stated before, I am not a TM gov so don't have that particular bond 
with Maharishi.  But I continue with TMSP and I continue to deeply resonate 
with Maharishi's explanations about consciousness, etc. That is more than 
enough for me.  Hope this helps. 

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2012 5:05 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] An Open Question to FFLers

This question has been posed before, by numerous people,
but I don't remember it ever being dealt with in any depth,
or with any real honesty, so I'm posing it again:

If you believe that Maharishi was enlightened (in at least
Cosmic Consciousness as he defined it, let alone Unity
Consciousness as he defined it), WHY do you believe this?

I ask because, try as I might I never once, in all the years I
studied with him and was around him, heard Maharishi
claim to be enlightened. Not once. 

I have met or encountered on the Internet *many* people
whose experience was the same as mine; they cannot think
of a single occasion on which he actually claimed to be in
any higher state of consciousness.

And yet, day after day we hear people talking on this and
other forums as if Maharishi's enlightenment could be
*assumed*, that it's a Done Deal, and a fact. They stake
their entire
 reputations on this. 

I'm wondering WHY. 

If you're one of these people, convinced that Maharishi was
enlightened, could you possibly explain WHY you feel this
way? Thanks in advance...


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