'The Soundless Sound of the Mantra, Is the Beginning of the Understanding and 
the Experience of Brahm'.

This 'Wholeness of Awareness' is called 'Brahm'...

Brahm is All That There Is...Wholeness is  Brahm...

This Brahm is Atma...

All this Brahm...All This Wholeness is Atma is the Unlimited Soul of the 
Creator, Brahm'...

All This Wholeness of Brahm in my awareness...

Allows Brahman Consciousness to be more lively in the 'Collective Consciousness 
of Humanity'...

Brahman Consciousness is 'All That There Is'...nothing is 'Excluded'...

Therefore, any thought, emotion, intellectual understanding/perception, ah ha 
experience of wholenss, is how 'Brahman Consciousnes Becomes Established'...

It takes some time, to extablish Brahman Consciousness...

It takes some time to allow the wholenss to penetrate all that there is...

It's an alowing process, and little by little, the 'Unbounded Awaresess Begins 
to Overtake the Bounded Emotions, Perceptions, Understandings of the Intellect' 
and so the 'Final Step Toward Full Enlightenment' comes through continued 
practice of 'Maintaining the Witnessing Self-Referral Awareness'...along with 
awareness of boundaries...and thus more and more, allow Beingness to Overflow 
Throughout this Creation in this space and in this time...

Jai Guru Dev

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