...this little lady, Ms Dickinson, mastered something...

Xeno, God I love your writing!  also laughing because I've been concerned that 
I'm becoming as reclusive as Ms. Dickinson.  But she NEVER went out so she's 
still the champ in this department.  

I think what she mastered was a major case of agoraphobia.  Meaning she made 
the most of it.  To grossly describe what she was and did.  Not that she ever 
thought about that, being spared the inanities of the so called New Age.

But what about when the ego turns being nobody into something spiritual?  I'm 
just saying.  Ego very tricky wicky.  At least mine is.

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 10:57 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A challenge to the haters on FFL, and their 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Here's what I think the dynamics of the situation are.
> There are a few people here whose lives are so empty,
> and who are basically so uninteresting, that the only
> thing they can think of to give them pleasure is to
> glom onto someone else whose life *IS* interesting,
> and act either as a groupie to that person, or as a 
> hater of that person.
> My challenge to these sad people is to write something
> to this forum that is interesting in itself, rather
> than spend all their time fixating on others.
> I feel that this description accurately covers Judy
> Stein. She has proven herself over the years *incapable*
> of writing anything interesting about her own life and
> her own spiritual experiences, because...duh...there 
> is nothing either interesting or spiritual IN that
> life. So instead she focuses on others, either as a 
> groupie, the way she has with Maharishi and Robin, or
> as a hater, as she has with me, Curtis, Vaj, Sal, Ruth,
> Andrew Skolnick, and so many others. She focuses on
> them to take the focus off of her life, and how empty
> it is.
> The fascinating thing, from my point of view, is that
> there is a sizable contingent of people on this forum
> who actually ADMIRE her for doing this. They become
> *her* groupies. They sit back and enjoy her lashing 
> out at interesting people for the crime of being inter-
> esting when she isn't, and they play "pile on" and aid
> her in attacking her hate object du jour. 
> This became crystal-clear when Judy stupidly couldn't
> keep her hatred under control recently and overposted,
> and had to sit on the Stupid People's Bench for a week.
> What happened? *Her* groupies -- the people who have
> been filling the emptiness of their *own* lives by
> hanging on her vendettas -- came out of the woodwork
> and "took up the slack," attacking Judy's enemies 
> *for her*, during her absence. Those people were Ann
> (who positively *drools* in admiration of Judy's hatred),
> Emily, Share, Nabby, Robin, oxcart, feste, Buck, willytex, 
> sparaig, and raunchydog. Every single one of them had
> to "fill the void" of Judy's absence by taking her
> place and fixating on the same hate-objects she does.
> I suggest that they did this for the same reason Judy
> does -- their lives are basically uninteresting and
> I challenge the whole sorry lot of them to prove me
> wrong by writing posts to Fairfield Life that actually
> contain something positive. Posts that indicate that
> there is something more going on in their lives than
> being either a groupie to someone more interesting
> than themselves, or hating someone who is more inter-
> esting than themselves.
> My bet is that they can't do it. Share will probably
> come the closest, because she actually seems to have
> something of a life. The others...I don't think they
> will be able to think of ANYTHING to write about their
> own lives, and the positive or spiritual things that
> happen in those lives. And I submit that the reason
> is fairly obvious -- nothing interesting or spiritual
> IS happening in their lives, so they live them 
> vicariously, by either becoming a groupie or a 
> "pile on hater."
> The challenge is leveled. You lot will either deal 
> with it and try to respond, or you'll stay on the
> hater bandwagon. My money is on all or most of you
> doing the same old same old.

Well here I am, staring at a white bread cheese sandwich (with the crusts 
trimmed off). The cheese has no colouring in it, so it looks almost white too. 
The cheese is from London. And the walls of this room are white. My clothes and 
underwear are white. I am surrounded by mood enhancing white purity. My new 
white computer and white keyboard arrive soon. Maybe if I close my eyes, I will 
see an inner white light. Life is like distilled water - purity in every 
direction. No wonder I have to post to this forum, just to get a little edge in 

Who should I hate today? Let me count the ways. I think random selection is a 
good method, because it can surprise me as well as the recipient.

Of course I am really lying, but it is just a little white lie. Don't you just 
hate people who lie? Like writers of novels, who just make up stories. Movies 
about people that do not really exist. And then there are those who write 
blogs, or post to forums. Sometimes they write fiction for the purpose of 
illustration. Liars all. We must do away with these people, to make things 
white and pure.

Now I think I will have that sandwich, and think about clouds. So pure, so high.

Emily posted a poem in January, also written by an Emily

I'm nobody.  Who are you?
Are you nobody too?
Then there's a pair of us.
Don't tell - they'd banish us, you know.

How dreary to be somebody,
How public - like a frog - 
To tell your name the livelong June
To an admiring bog. 

--Emily Dickinson

There is something to be said for fading into the woodwork. If Robin were 
reading this, this little lady, Ms Dickinson, mastered something that has yet 
escaped him entirely, and most of the rest of us too.


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