Ann you miss so much.

You've no doubt heard the teaching many times which points out the
resultant karma for people who continually dwell upon the perceived
faults of others. They take those faults upon themselves.

In similar fashion, and unlike mere backbiters, Jude assumes the mantle
of the vixen just so she can deliver others from the scourge of their
afflictions. She steals bliss from the gods to deliver relief to the
distressed by taking away their sins and then delivers it all into her
own crucible of maladies faster than Fed-Ex overnight. Even more
remarkable, she does all this before bedtime and her usual midnight hot

This is why Robby accepts her defending him. He suspects that her secret
sacrifice honors the blessed mother of god and knows he needs the
backup, considering all he has unjustly done.

So instead of praising her escape from the asylum, recognize that Jude
Stone is actually a high bodhisattva. She is the protector bent upon
delivering Soma-on-the-rocks to those tormented in the hell-fires of FFL
and won't tolerate no wu-wu until everyone is adequately

All praise to the Stone of Judas.

--- In, awoelflebater <no_reply@...>

> No, no dear Barry. I think she is the smart one. Who wouldn't want to
be forcefully removed from the loony bin? She, at least, has gotten out
alive. She knew what she was doing, I'll bet you anything. If you don't
know that, you have no idea about her and you've "known" (of her) a lot
longer than I have.
> >

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