On 08/12/2012 02:49 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/keithmoonrockcircus1.html
> <http://www.drummerworld.com/Videos/keithmoonrockcircus1.html>
>> His "fierce" style and ambidextrous bass drum work could've been much
>> more impressive, had he used, say, Ludwig, that have IMO much more
>> distinctive sounds than those of Premier drums!
> Card, absolutely no disrespect intended, but while I understand your
> (and Doctor Pete, who used to post here) fascination with drumming and
> drummers, it's always been largely lost on me. That said, I have to post
> and thank you for making me smile, because your post made me think of my
> youngest brother, who is sadly no longer with us.
> He was for many years a drummer in a rock 'n roll band, and not only had
> a lot of fun with it, he managed to make a living at it, which is
> nothing to be sneezed at. At the same time, he had a sense of humor
> about his chosen path in life, and was the first person to tell me this
> joke:
> "What do you call people who hang around with musicians?"
> "Drummers."
> Here's to him and his great sense of humor, and to you for reminding me
> of him. Thanks to both of you.
> And, pursuing the same less-than-reverent take on those who (unlike
> myself) are fortunate enough to be able to make music, let alone get
> paid for it (heads up, Curtis and Bhairitu), here's a hilarious graphic
> I found today. No offense intended, just the desire to share a great
> line, and a great laugh...
> [https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/420116_101520082\
> 40085626_1644048409_n.jpg]
> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/420116_1015200824\
> 0085626_1644048409_n.jpg
> <https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/420116_101520082\
> 40085626_1644048409_n.jpg>

I'll bite.   What is "growing up?"  Is "grown up" nothing more than a 
facade?  As far as I know neither you nor I have children.  I have 
watched some friends change to an "adult facade" when they had children 
and a few other resist that change under those circumstances.  I recall 
being told by another TM teacher friend though I never heard it in a 
tape or video from MMY that we should pick a youthful age and see 
ourselves at that age.  So here I am at age 65 seeing my self in my 
20s.  It may have helped though I look in the mirror and wonder who that 
"old guy" is.

- From a drummer who can tell the other musicians if they are playing 
the wrong chord.  We're not all musical idiots. :-D

PS: for card,  Premier was a British based company while Ludwig US. 
Guess who might have been knocking at Keith's door with boxes of free 
drums?  FYI, I had a Leedy set which played great but later mainly 
played Rogers drums and recommended to the head of Yamaha to make their 
hardware like Rogers (which they did when they started making pro 
sets).  Tama sets which I sold in a store played great right out of the 
box (other brands seemed to need some "seasoning").  I got tired of 
packing 4 cases later on and bought a Fips set which had no shells but 
packed down to two then a Pro-Mark set which also packed down to two 
cases but had shells.  I found both too loud for casual gigs.  I also 
bought some of the Kat electronic kits.

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