--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Really? Nablusoss1008, really?
> Are you really presenting yourself to this group suchly? 
> This group? -- this group that has registered hundreds of thousands of posts 
> and provably shows itself to be constantly vigilant about the values and 
> truths of every statement? For free to any who would post?   
> This group that regularly goes to absolutely extreme nuancing, and has minds 
> so delicate but iron-stubborn? 
> This group whose mindset attempts to wrest the real from the actual by tying 
> every tool and even one arm behind its back and resigns "each and all" to 
> "doing this that we do here" with mere words?
> This group?  Really?  This is the group from which you've selected, Xeno, who 
> is perhaps the sanest and most eloquent and generously-available-to-all 
> person, and it is he that you choose to dump on as if he were "Edg on his nut 
> buggy?"
> Are you sure you want to do this-that-you've-just-now-done, and have THIS be 
> here for ever and ever and ever to be chewed upon by all the vastness of the 
> consciousness of all the generations to come?
> Great God Almighty I hope you don't.  
> I hope you're the prime jokester here and have us all in tizzies and whirls 
> and reacting so childishly when you toss such poisoned red meat to our 
> slavering dogs.
> Just once.  JUST ONCE.  Come on, just once.  Could you please peek out from 
> behind the curtain and get real?
> But, even if not, even if not a one of us gets to see the Wizard, at least, 
> pick on me.  
> Xeno is gold here.  
> He gives his attention.  Don't you get that attention is love, and it doesn't 
> matter what that attention has as its object of consciousness, and that he as 
> if bathes the minds here with his clarity and his kindness?
> Can't you feel his vibe?  
> Edg

Most definately. Because of his usually sany posts I was surpized that he 
slipped into the abyss. 
BTW, thanks for a well written post ! 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Me thinks this xeno fellow ought to get back on his medication :-)

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