On 08/27/2012 05:56 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> Aaron Sorkin's new show started by being attacked mercilessly
> before it even aired. I took a stand when it finally *was*
> aired, and I got to see the first episode. I've just watched
> the tenth, and final, episode of the year. I stand by my
> original stand.
> It's good writing, it's good entertainment, it's good acting
> and direction, and it's got a pair of balls the size of Mars.
> And I'm still betting on it sweeping the Emmy awards, and
> sending an enormous FUCK YOU to all of the people who ranked
> on it because...because...well...because they have balls the
> size of peas, and brains to match.
> It's difficult to make entertainment while conveying a useful
> and needed message. It's even more difficult when the very
> people who should be cheering that message on are so petty
> and green with envy that they play shoot the messenger, too.
> This was the rap rattled off by Jeff Daniels' Will McAvoy
> during the wrap-up of his last news broadcast of the season,
> over a bottom-of-the-screen bannerline that said Republican
> In Name Only:
> * Ideological purity
> * Compromise as weakness
> * A fundamentalist belief in scriptural literalism
> * Denying science
> * Unmoved by facts
> * Undeterred by new information
> * A hostile fear of progress
> * A demonization of education
> * A need to control women's bodies
> * Severe xenophobia
> * Tribal mentality
> * Intolerance of dissent
> * Pathological hatred of US government
> "They can call themselves the Tea Party, they can call
> themselves conservatives, and they can even call them-
> selves Republicans, though Republicans probably shouldn't.
> But we should call them what they are, the American
> Taliban."
> This is the message that real news stations in America
> should have been airing as real news last night as the
> Republican Convention opened. Instead, it had to be
> aired on HBO, on a show that even Democrats and liberals
> tried to kill. This is one of those days that forces me
> to think about America and remember the lines to a great
> Bob Dylan song:
> And you ask why I don't live there
> Honey, howcum you even have to ask me that?

It indeed (as people who saw the season finale) came "full circle" or 
what writers call "bookend."   I thought that last night's "Breaking 
Bad" was the half season finale but they seem to have one more episode 
left which I think will also "bookend" the opening since Gilligan is a 
fan of that device.  After all it makes your story symmetrical.  And as 
Syd Fields would say "Walt is now further up the tree."  We have a lot 
of tree climbers in TV shows.

Sunday night overload got worse with BBC America moving "Copper", a show 
about the NYPD in 1864, to Sunday nights.  The pilot was great and last 
night was episode 2.

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