On 08/27/2012 12:43 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> Rumor has it that Samsung will switch to Windows
>>> 8 next year...
> Bhairitu:
>> Android is extensible which means it can
>> do so much more than what iOS can do...
> Windows 8 will probably take over the smartphone
> market since it works with Microsft Office. Probably
> a million business users worldwide installed Microsoft
> Office since I typed this!
> 'Samsung Teases Windows 8 Tablet Hybrid'
> http://tinyurl.com/9w3vjud

Yup, there are a lot of sheeple who use Awefuss.  A lot of people use 
Open Office too. It's free.  As for Asshole, I mean Apple trying to 
block sales of Samsung devices that will make Apple very unpopular with 
the public.  A lot of people love their Samsung phones and I talk to a 
lot of people who want to upgrade to the Galaxy III and get a Samsung 
tablet too.  Apple is behaving like a communist country.

Now just hold your tongue with your fingers and say "I like Apple 
products." :-D

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