--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> > > > You do realize this is pure conjecture, right, not
> > > > established fact?
> > > 
> > > See Jung, Lazlo, Fromme etc. It's part of a painstakingly 
> > > developed theory from much observation. "Pure" conjecture 
> > > would mean someone just made it up.
> > 
> > Look, it's as good a conjecture as any other, but there's
> > no way to "observe" what it posits (at least as you've
> > stated it), no way to test it. It isn't scientific.
> You can observe developmental stages of personal evolution and
> there are many ways that healthy development can be arrested
> resulting in mental problems in later life. The seperation
> from mother is critical in this. The stretch is that the externalisation is a 
> metaphor for religious life and while it
> could never be actually scientific due to the probable 
> impossibility of time travel, it's a heckuva lot more likely 
> than the Garden of Eden or Age of Enlightenment as it's a
> full expanation of one of our deepest spiritual needs. 
> > > > > The experience is the same (jolly pleasant) but the supporting
> > > > > beliefs become unnecessary and then *boy* does it get hard to 
> > > > > justify yogic flying if you stop believing you're defeating one 
> > > > > of the fundamental forces of nature.
> > > > 
> > > > Not if you experience benefits from the practice in
> > > > daily life.
> > > 
> > > Ha ha! So you think you canlive without the TM belief system 
> > > and still hop about. Secular yogic flying, I'll believe that
> > > when I see it....
> > 
> > (How could you tell?)
> If it was taught without someone explaining what was going
> to happen because they don't teach it without recourse to
> the ancient texts that declare that's it's a stage of actual
> levitation or that it's an accepted part of physics that
> consciousness is the unified field and fundamental forces
> can be overruled. Cut the crap and the religion and just
> tell people to say the sutra without any loaded ideas and
> see what happens.
> > It's entirely possible to hop without believing you're
> > "defeating one of the fundamental forces of nature."
> Possible but pointless.
> > The sutra *does something* to/in/with the bodymind. I
> > have no idea what or how, but it's something, and for
> > many (or at least some) it has a beneficial effect.
> > That's reason enough to practice even if you don't
> > believe it will ever lead to flying.
> Fair enough. I think what happens is that you hop 
> deliberately but don't *consciously* move the muscles 
> in the same way that you don't consciously move them 
> when you walk. The power of suggestion gained from the
> teaching method is enough to switch off credulity with 
> a bit of practise.

A bigger question is whether it's actually fair to teach
people they are going to hop as a prelude to levitating?

Folie a deux, that's what I think the whole yogic flying
"phenomenon" is - a shared delusion.

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