I have noticed, even in Message View, that some on this forum are
confused by the exact meaning of the phrase "first person ontology."
Explanations offered so far seem inadequate, so I am introducing a new
set of spiritual seminars to teach the benefits of this technique, which
I call FPOT™, or the First Person Ontology Technique.

First, a definition. First person ontology means: Being able to declare
that one's own opinion or point of view is always right. Always.

Even spiritual newbs can see the benefit of this. No matter what the
circumstance, no matter how much your opinion or point of view makes you
appear nuttier than a fruitbat, that is an illusion. In Reality™,
nothing could be further from the truth. The FPOT practitioner is --
just as they delcare -- not crazy at all, and is ALWAYS right.

Furthermore, the FPOT™ technology gives you the ability to determine
whenever anyone else is wrong, or worse, lying.

On the surface, and to less-evolved people who do have not embraced the
FPOT™ philosophy, it would appear that different people, when they
express opinions, are <spit> equal, and that their opinions carry equal
weight. But no. The seasoned FPOT™ practitioner learns to tell which
of these people are right and telling the truth (for example, when they
agree with them), and which of them are wrong and telling a lie (for
example, when they disagree with them).

Just as a hint of the wonderous things you'll learn in your FPOT™
seminar, here is an abbreviated list of which people are wrong and/or
telling a lie every time they speak and which are right and/or telling
the truth:


    * Barry, Curtis, Vaj, Sal, and Andrew Skolnick
    * Anyone who either agrees with any of the above or interacts with
them in a pleasant manner, as if they were human and not the scum they
    * Anyone who disagrees with Me


    * Me (the FPOT™ practitioner him- or herself)
    * Raunchydog, Robin, Ann, Emily, Ravi, doctordumbass, and anyone who
sucks up to Me and joins me in dissing people in the WRONG group
    * Anyone who agrees with Me politically
    * Anyone who considers Me an authority

Naturally, this list is somewhat flexible and tailored to the needs of
the individual FPOT™ practitioner. For example, if such a list were
tailored to Robin, the WRONG list would include Maharishi when he told
him he wasn't enlightened and the RIGHT list would include Maharishi
when he said that he was, or even hinted at it, or even just said "Yeah,
right...whatever" in an attempt to get him out of his face.

Sign up for the FPOT™ seminars today. Find out what always being
right can do for YOU.

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