Comrade Empty, I've always told Willy that he will feel much better 
after a vacation in one of our re-education facilities.  Of course there 
must be something in the Texas water than makes Texans so paranoid or 
vote against their own best interests.  After all what are the rich 
going to do for them other than screw 'em?

If Mitt were to win because the country has gone insane then I will be 
busy making anti Mitt videos for the next 4 years. Remember I live in 
the Socialist Republic of California (which is what Willy likes to call 
it) and we even salute Obama with our middle finger for shutting down 
the pot dispensaries we voted for.

On 09/20/2012 12:21 PM, emptybill wrote:
> Bari2,
> If Obama gets re-elected then you might have a chance to become a
> Commissar. You could then have Willy hunted down and
> "reeducated".
> If Mitt wins then you can always move next to Robin and commiserate
> about the "demons".
> Yep, either way you'll feel better.
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 09/20/2012 08:26 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>> seekliberation:
>>>> As of right now, I think Obama still has a pretty
>>>> good chunk of voters believing that he actually
>>>> knows what he's doing.
>>> Iran cannot be allowed to possess a nuclear bomb. If
>>> the U.S. won't put a stop to Iran's plans to rule
>>> the region, then NATO will still defend keeping open
>>> the Straight of Hormuz - that's the red line.
>>> Without the flow of oil in the gulf to Europe, all
>>> the EU countries will become very cold, and then
>>> they will be annexed by Vladimir Putin.
>>> However, if an attack occurs and Iran attempts to
>>> close the Straight, then I predict that Obama will
>>> command the defense of the Straight. We can count
>>> on Obama and Clinton to defend the U.S. and its
>>> interests over there.
>>> Otherwise, we will vote in someone who will make
>>> America safe.
>>> "Obama has very robust foreign policy." - General Wesley Clark
>>> "Many within the Obama administration believe that
>>> Israel will launch a pre-emptive strike against
>>> Iran's nuclear facilities before the US presidential
>>> elections, an act which would signal the failure of
>>> one of Washington's key foreign policy objectives."
>>> 'Armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf
>>> as Israel prepares an Iran strike'
>>> The Telegraph, September 16, 2012
>> Willy, domestic policy is what is at stake right now.  As for foreign
>> policy most Americans would prefer that Obama bring the troops home
> and
>> that the administration will stop spending on military presence
> abroad.
>> Let Israel fight it's own fights.   I don't see the rich fuck Romney
>> showing that he is anything but an elitist pig and certainly someone
>> that doesn't deserve to even run for president let alone get elected.
>> As he keeps flapping his gums he makes a good job of turning Americans
> off.
>> If Americans vote in Romney they either have short memories or are
>> stupid as hell because they're forgetting the Republicans got us in
> this
>> mess in the first place.  Obama was stuck to clean up quite a mess
> after
>> the Republicans drunken party.

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