--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Here's a photo I just took on my evening walk through the picturesque
> cemetery near my house. It's (I assume) Mother Mary, looking a bit worse
> from wear, the wood she is carved from having undergone some weathering
> over the years (or centuries). I'm betting, however, that she's still
> lookin' hotter than the guy whose grave she graces.
> The Woo Woo comes from the odd flash of light on the right side of the
> photo. I have been assured by a local psychic (whom I know to be
> trustworthy because I had to pay her) that the image on the right is the
> ghost of the guy whose grave I leaned across to take this photo. He's
> got a rep in this 'hood for being territorial.

Surely the departed couldn't possibly have taken exception to the 
minister/rabbi gently leaning across his place of rest. It must just be a quirk 
of the sun playing havoc on the lens. But I liked the photo, I really like 
wandering through old European graveyards.
>   [http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8312/8015710696_80418b5efd.jpg]
> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8312/8015710696_80418b5efd.jpg
> <http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8312/8015710696_80418b5efd.jpg>

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