Don't think anyone has called her cunt yet though...So what's your problem?

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> --- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@> wrote:
> Sal is small
> > potatoes, just a nasty, unpleasant, not-too-bright little
> > person who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> >
> > Again, it's necessary to realize that Barry is compulsively
> > driven to do what he can to obscure what this dispute was
> > really about: Curtis's dishonesty. It wasn't about Sal,
> > except insofar as her posts served as evidence of Curtis's
> > deeply corrupt interpersonal ethics on FFL. Sal is small
> > potatoes, just a nasty, unpleasant, not-too-bright little
> > person who needed to be stepped on from time to time when
> > she got above herself.
> > 
> > As usual with one of Barry's hysterical rants against
> > his own and Curtis's critics, most of what he writes
> > below comes straight out of his fetid imagination and
> > bears no recognizable relationship to reality.
> > 
> > BTW, calling a man a "cunt" is far more revealing of
> > one's attitude toward women than calling a woman a
> > "cunt." It's pretty much the ultimate in misogyny. It
> > says to the man, "You are as abhorrent and disgusting
> > to me as a woman's private parts."
> > 
> > Bear that in mind the next time someone tries to argue
> > that "cunt" isn't misogynistic because it's also used
> > to insult men.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Thanks for doing this, Xeno. It kinda puts the pettiness
> > > into true perspective, doesn't it?
> > > 
> > > Who in the everyday Real Life Of Sane People would 
> > > ever invest as much time and energy into trying to "get" 
> > > someone they didn't like as much as these three have,
> > > and over such a non-event? We know why two of them are
> > > doing it -- they still harbor a grudge against Sal for
> > > besting them so often on Fairfield Life, and worse,
> > > for *laughing at them* so often. 
> > > 
> > > But the third person trying her best to demonize Sal
> > > and paint her negatively? Now *that's* a deeper question,
> > > and IMO a deeper pathology. 
> > > 
> > > One simple fact to keep in mind -- unless the Yahoo 
> > > Search engine is misleading me, Ann arrived on Fairfield
> > > Life shortly *after* Sal had left it. She thus never had
> > > a chance to read any of Sal's posts in real time, or
> > > gain any direct impression of her at all. And yet Ann
> > > has devoted an alarming amount of time and energy this
> > > last week to dumping on this person she's never met, 
> > > *as if she "knows" all about her*. 
> > > 
> > > What exactly is it that Ann "knows?" Only what she's
> > > been told by a couple of dumb cunts (sorry, but there
> > > really IS no other word for them) who still harbor a 
> > > grudge against Sal for imaginary offenses that they
> > > believe happened long ago (most of which just involved
> > > laughing at them). They have painted as negative a 
> > > portrait of Sal (who last posted to FFL in December,
> > > 2012) as they have of Curtis, Vaj, and myself (not
> > > to mention anyone who "supports" us by, say, having
> > > a non-argumentative conversation with one of us).
> > > It's been an *embarrassing* display of mean-girl
> > > cuntitude on their part.
> > > 
> > > But ANN's part in this? That's even more puzzling.
> > > 
> > > Not content to suck up to the person who put her up 
> > > onstage and called her a demon and try to get him 
> > > to reach out and pat her on the head and say "Good
> > > dog," she's gone into Full Monty Suck-Up Mode trying
> > > to get the same pats from Judy and Raunchy. She 
> > > disses the people they diss (whether she's ever 
> > > encountered them in real time or not), praises the 
> > > two ringleaders of the revenge brigade, and seemingly 
> > > does everything she can conceive of to be considered 
> > > worthy of being as much of a cunt as they are.
> > > 
> > > I extend to Ann my most sincere congratulations.
> > > She has succeeded.
> >

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