What kind of voice does he teach?  I studied voice with George Peckham 
in the 70's in Seattle.  He also coached Judy Collins, Joni Mitchell and 
a host of other pop stars.  He was quite a teacher and at age 78 his 
daughter was graduating from high school.

My guru's website link is below and he also has some videos including a 
recent one on his channel.  Speaking of voice coaches I've been trying 
to get him to an accent reduction coach. Maharishi did well because his 
accent wasn't so bad.


On 09/28/2012 05:10 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Thanks, nooz, going out of town today.  Voice workshop tomorrow with Canadian 
> Edwin Coppard.  Might not be able to check out til Sunday.  Are you allowed 
> to share the name of your tantra guru?
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <noozg...@sbcglobal.net>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 9:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield Life is so much fun - Part 2
> If you are interested in the effects of mantras and how to use them then
> you need to find a teacher who will teach you some "mantra shastra."
> You won't find one in TM so you'll have to look elsewhere.  Swami
> Sivananda was famous for teaching it.  My tantric guru teaches it too.
> He also recommends Swami Sivananda's book "Mind -- Its Mysteries and
> Control" which you may find here:
> http://www.dlshq.org/download/mind.htm
> Published in 1946 way before TM was a twinkle in MMY's eye.
> TM is nothing more than a simple mantra meditation not unlike a lot of
> meditation taught elsewhere.  It was just hyped like Apple hypes PCs
> tablets and phones with their logo on it.
> On 09/27/2012 12:03 PM, mjackson74 wrote:
>> Look Richard, let me be very plain here - I do not give a damn where the 
>> mantras came from nor do I know why you obsess over their origins so much. 
>> Were I to be coming to TM now with no prior knowledge of the practice, I 
>> might be interested.
>> In 1974 it never occurred to me to ask - I accepted the statement that 
>> Virginia Bedford and Jamie Vollmer (the two TM Center people) made that the 
>> mantras were meaningless sounds. John Briganti, the first teacher I took a 
>> residence course with told us the same thing. Believed it too. And since the 
>> mantra still works after 38 years, I see no need to ask where it came from.
>> My remarks about my other two mantras received from the Movement were 
>> facetious references to my two advanced techniques.
>> The other two bija mantras came as I said, one from Bob Fickes, former TM 
>> teacher who I believe was on TTC with Rick (sorry if I got that wrong Rick.)
>> Bob now has his own thing he calls Fulfillment Meditation. Totally different 
>> set of mantras although interestingly he still does puja, but he puts pics 
>> of not only Guru Dev on the puja table but pics of Kwan Yin, Archangel 
>> Michael and so on.
>> The last bija mantra I got is a Deepak Chopra mantra. Chopra instructors do 
>> not use TM puja. Their meditation program was mainly put together by Deepak 
>> and Roger Gabriel, an old TM teacher who I believe left the TM Movement the 
>> same time Chopra did and went with him to California when Chopra set up the 
>> Chopra Center.
>> The Chopra instructors use a sanskrit chant, the shanti mantra Gabriel 
>> called it, which shanti mantra chant I do not know.
>> So yes, when I use the Babaji mantra (what Bob calls his mantras) I am not 
>> doing TM.
>> When I use the Chopra mantra, I am not doing TM. '
>> When I use my three TM mantras (spoken facetiously for the Fairfield Life's 
>> version of Sheldon Cooper's benefit), meaning my TM mantra plus advanced 
>> techniques, I am doing TM. If that don't satisfy you Sheldon, I dunno whut.
>> Nice pic of Michael Jackson - that obviously is not me or these posts would 
>> be coming from beyond the grave.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" <richard@...> 
>> wrote:
>>>>> Careful Jackson, pearls before swine.  This is
>>>>> a tough rough crowd here.  Rick has visions of
>>>>> this place being a salon but it plays more like
>>>>> a saloon...
>>> nablusoss1008:
>>>> With all due respect Buck, why not let the
>>>> posters speak freely?
>>>     <http://www.vanityfair.com/>
>>> Apparently Mr. Jackson doesn't want to talk about
>>> the elephant in the room - the bijas mantra you get
>>> when you start TM. Jackson desn't seem to know
>>> much about them - he didn't seem to realize that
>>> you get only one bija when you learn TM, when he
>>> paid the $65.
>>> And, if you adopt other bijas from other teachers,
>>> then you're not practicing TM.
>>>> When finally someone with an insiders
>>>> view on the above topics volunteer to share his
>>>> insights who are you to try to stop him?
>>> So, it's unlikely you'll be getting any insider
>>> information revealed by Mr. Jackson.
>>>> Let anyone freely display his Pearls of Wisdom !
>>> LoL!
>>> Michael Jackson?

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