--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> Well, I clicked randomly on this because I like Judy and because I am 
> randomly re-entering my life here in Seattle.
> "I've adopted the fictive voice of others and 
> dared a certain someone to "take a week off" from
> dissing those she so habitually feels the need to
> demonize here on FFL."

Emily baby! Great to see you back.

Thank you for da kind woids. But however did you figure out
Barry was referring to me in that quote? I just can't imagine.

Sounds like a terrific trip. Got pictures?

> Simply focusing on this statement above by Barry, and responding to Alex 
> incorrectly, I just have to say that I have proactively dared Barry to take 
> a week off and "watch" several times now....ya know, to practice what he 
> preaches, and all that.  
> Now, I will STFU for awhile and try and catch up.  Or...not.  I'm holed up 
> in another hotel undergoing my re-entry process, watching cable TV, catching 
> up on the news for the masses.  
> The grandeur of Utah and Highway 12 were unparalleled.  Beauty and spirit in 
> the Escalante were almost more than one could take in.   Didn't even make it 
> to the Arches or Canyonlands National Parks, proper.  Vegas has grown up in 
> the 20 years since I've been there - talk about man-made surreal. 
>  Psychodelic.  O was a good show, and it was hard to leave the pastries 
> cooked up by the French chefs at the Bellagio. But, nothing compares to what 
> nature presents to us and I'd rather be camped at the base of a sandstone 
> cliff in the desert.  
> Curtis, while hiking up Angel's Landing in Zion it came to me that I was, oh 
> so long ago it seems now, laughing at your expense.  I admit it.  As I told 
> you, I wrote my "out" into my revamp of Robin's ironic post.  Remember I 
> told you that.  I was laughing at you....long and luscious laughs. Where 
> *was* your sense of humor.  Jesus loves you...the Mormons told me so.  I'll 
> get back to you later on all those rockin' assumptions about my motivations 
> you leveled at me in my absence.  Tee Hee and don't forget it :)

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