dear BW, She of the Many Arms embraces you anyway.  Get over it! ha ha

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 6:59 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: celebrate Divine Mother

> Nine Nights Days of Mother Divine begin today approx 1 pm Central; first 
> 3 days devoted to Kali Durga, then Lakshmi, then Saraswati.  

Visual aids presented to help Westerners not yet assimilated by Neo-Hinduism to 
visualize and thus better revere the aspects of "Mother" personified by these 
three goddesses.

Kali, goddess of wrath: *

Lakshmi, goddess of wealth: **

Saraswati, goddess of music: ***

Played by: 
* Joan Crawford, having a "No wire hangers!" Mommy moment.
** Leona Helmsley, rich, but also often called the "meanest woman in the world."
*** Diana Ross, who at the Motown Reunion Concert, could only find one person 
willing to stand next to her; everyone else moved to the other side of the 
stage, even her children.

Not all mothers are divine. Just sayin'...



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