That guy, Corliss, is definitely amped and a little hard to listen to but the 
gliding/flying is amazing!

The second link was the same as the first; didn't get to see the Englishman 
land without a chute. 

The guy who skimmed over the snow was wearing an earlier version of the suit. 
The ones that Corliss and Mancino were wearing look like they have more surface 
area and more lift.

Great stuff, thanks.


--- In, "stevelf" <ysoy10li@...> wrote:
>  so please have some fun and follow me here....
>    to start- just to make sure you know the subject material:
>  I hope that was easy to "click"...
>  OK , so now the huge goal is to somehow land without a chute.....
>  well, actually a Brit' recently did just that....:
> OK, so now ur up-to-speed....
>  I predict the initial-contact-landing-area to be a BIG/LONG inverted 
> -ski-jump-landing-type-thing slowly narrowing down with a loop or two or 
> three in a waterslide type set-up...... Jeff is planning some kind of AMAZING 
> landing in Vegas...... he has NASA experts working with him--- a secret 
> landing strip....
>  look at this angle and tell me what you think....

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