On 10/14/2012 07:46 PM, ultrarishi wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> "The Walking Dead" returns tonight and I also enjoy the follow up
>> "Talking Dead."   Watch for Chris Hardwick to be the next generation
>> Letterman or Leno.  My DVR's schedule looked like a disaster with
>> "Clipped" showing on two shows due to the overlap of Kevin Smith's
>> "Comic Book Men" which also returns tonight.  I figured I could find the
>> later showing of it as I'm not going to get to everything that is
>> scheduled anyway for a couple days.  Even "Boardwalk Empire" and "Treme"
>> get shoved off to watch another day.
>> Not on the schedule will be "666 Park Avenue" which failed whelm me with
>> the first two episodes.  So far of the new series only "Last Resort" has
>> done that.  I'll see where "Revolution" goes for one more episode.  And
>> I will see how "Nashville" does beyond the pilot but then that show,
>> which is ABC's answer to HBO's "Treme" but with country music holds more
>> of an interest because of having been in the music business.
>> I decided to drop BBC's "Bedlam" from my watch list after the second
>> episode.  If I want to  watch horror there are lots of much edgier
>> movies I can watch on Netflix including watching the granddaddy of all
>> paranormal films "Legend of Hell House" which has joined the line up
>> there apparently a result of their deal with 20th Century Fox.  There
>> are a lot of little films these days that can be quite good.  Because
>> one can film a movie with a digital SLR camera costing even less than
>> $1000 and renting lenses and edit on your PC there is no need for
>> expensive productions.  Film school has been reduced to a science and
>> there is not even an excuse for bad acting or writing anymore.
> We are tied up currently with downloading HOMELAND and DOWNTON ABBEY SEASON 
> 3.  Have a bit of interest in ELEMENTARY and COPPER.  Our guilty pleasure is 
> watching THE WEST WING.  We finally go old enough and smart enough to 
> understand it, plus it is interesting to see all the issues Sorkin wrote 
> about 10 years ago are still here.  We can't wait for the return of NEWSROOM, 
> We say goodbye to WEEDS which needed a rest.

I'll have to give "Walking Dead" a "Not for Buck" rating.  Zombie fans 
have been complaining that dispatching zombies has been a little on the 
light side for that show.  Well last night they gorily dispatched so 
many that people couldn't keep track.   "Copper" is on the back burner 
to watch but I've been following it.

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