--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> In a previous post today, I quoted a post of mine from
> the beginning of October, just after Share had launched
> her "psychological rape" accusation against Robin. The
> portion I quoted had to do with my sense that people
> with an anti-Robin agenda had been exploiting Share
> behind the scenes, taking advantage of a misunderstanding
> (on Share's part) that had occurred between Robin and
> Share to further that agenda on FFL. I believe one of
> them supplied her privately with the "psychological rape"
> term to use against Robin.
> While I was looking for the post of mine I quoted, I
> found another of my posts that bears on that issue,
> which I think warrants another look.
> The important thing to note is how Share's version of
> her misunderstanding with Robin changed radically
> over time.
> What led her to contradict herself, to take a position
> virtually 180 degrees from what she had said initially?
> We now know, because she has told us, that she's been
> consulting with LordKnows privately about her issues
> with Robin. I think there's a direct connection between
> those consultations and her radical switch concerning
> the significance of that initial misunderstanding with
> Robin. I think LK worked on her--confronted her, perhaps--
> behind the scenes, pressured her to perceive Robin as
> dangerous and disturbed, a "psychological rapist."
> And now he's trying to use her to convince us that Ann
> has fallen into Robin's clutches.
> What is so amazing, even frightening, about all this is
> that it's so reminiscent of what happened in the last
> days of Robin's group, only now it's Robin who is being
> labeled an "evil being." And along with this comes a
> move to victimize Ann, *again*, as an "evil being," this
> time for not hating Robin.
> Folks, it's a replay. Robin has long since rid himself of
> his destructive penchant for casting out "evil beings."
> But now his former followers have taken up *the very same
> approach* they castigate Robin for having taken more than
> 25 years ago. They aren't using the same words, but the
> same basic witch-hunt idea is fully operative.
> Here's the post from October 2 about Share's perplexing
> change of position, quoting her initial reaction to
> her misunderstanding with Robin and then her description
> of that reaction four weeks later:
> Having read all the relevant posts, I am utterly baffled
> and appalled at Share's use of this term ["psychological
> rape"] to describe her interactions with Robin. I'd be
> very curious to know where she got it from. Did someone
> suggest it to her?
> This is such a serious charge, it's really important to
> review some of the background.
> In her post today, Share writes:
> "Just for the record, this is exactly why I got so upset
> initially with Robin about the Russian flash mob post.
> Being psychologically raped didn't feel good then just
> as it doesn't feel good now."
> Here is Share's initial comment to Robin about his
> reaction to her remarks about the flash mob video
> (September 4):
> "Yes I will excuse your presumption if you excuse my not going
> down this particular rabbit hole again....So no problemo. Sigh,
> btw, I notice I'm feeling grumpy this morning. Blaming it on
> the sugar I ate yesterday. Somehow I've become very sensitive
> to sugar. Anyway, Robin, apologies for taking it out on you."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/319178
> And here is what she wrote to Robin on September 9
> concerning this interaction:
> "As for what my feelings were, I didn't suffer or feel
> insulted. Nor did I think you were being hurtful or cruel.
> I simply did not want to pursue the theme of whether or not
> I was being the real me. Nor the theme of my alleged hyper
> positivity."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/319500
> So at the time that it happened, Share felt a little
> grumpy and apologized to Robin.
> Four days later, Share affirmed that she had not been
> insulted, did not suffer, did not think Robin was being
> hurtful or cruel.
> Today, four weeks later, it was "psychological rape."
> Something isn't right here. Somehow Share has become
> convinced that what at the time had caused no more
> than a little grumpiness on her part (which she
> attribted to eating sugar anyway) was a terrible act
> of emotional violation equivalent to rape.
> (She had completely misinterpreted Robin's remarks
> in any case, and he had practically stood on his head
> explaining himself in the kindest possible manner.)
> The charge was made in public about an FFL member. I
> think we need an explanation. What, or who, caused
> Share to change her mind so drastically?
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/321696

I'm afraid that it's *both* a *what* and a *who*. The *what* is my refusal to 
include FF in my itinerary, in favor of NJ, to visit Share for a good spanking. 
This was the final straw in destroying her already fragile sense of self worth. 
As for the *who*, let's just say that I have perfected the siddhi of 
controlling a person's shattered mind over a great distance. I sincerely 
apologize, Share, and order you to once again start thinking for yourself. OK, 
mystery solved. Can we now return to a normal FFL...hey, wait a minute, this is 
normal for FFL. Carry on...

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