--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Steve what's really sad is that those women don't realize how much their 
> attacking me actually reflects so badly on Robin.  It makes them look like 
> some kind of cult followers and him look like a cult leader.  I say this 
> because it was when Ann was attacking me and bringing up the psychological 
> rape topic that HER friend Lord Knows emailed me expressing concern about Ann 
> and encouraging me.  Shortly thereafter Bill offered his book Cult to any on 
> FFL who wanted to read it.  Coincidence?  I think not.  
> I wonder if Bill and Brahmi and Lord Knows weren't responding even more to 
> the vitriolic attacks of the women than they were to Robin himself.  
> Certainly such attacks by those women contributed to the idea that something 
> unbalanced was happening among them, Robin's supporters.  It would have been 
> fine if they had simply defended Robin.  But their continual and harsh 
> attacks against me indicated the presence of something not so benign and 
> understandable as defending Robin.  Good Lord, even Barry commented a few 
> times  on how over the top Judy was.  And I know I'm not his favorite 
> person so IMO that's a telling commentary on the extreme nature of her 
> attacking.  
> I wonder the same with regards to the men of FFL who have been so encouraging 
> towards me.  That maybe they too see how those women attack me and it makes 
> them wonder about the one they support, Robin.  No, those women can attempt 
> to lay all this at my door.  But they'd only be deluding themselves about 
> their very big part in making Robin look bad by being associated with such 
> vitriolic attackers.

Clearly some sort of weird pack animal behaviour takes over with
this lot at times. Maybe overcompensating for their own insecurity
or unhappiness, or maybe Robin arouses some sort of maternal 
instinct in them that you, as a woman, has transgressed, there must *be* a 
reason. Whatever, it gets bloody tedious but ride it out, 
even Robin might get embarrassed and tell them to knock it off eventually. 
Assuming he isn't sitting there stroking a white cat 
and saying, "This organisation cannot tolerate dissent, we must 
have a resolution of the Share situation No2, time to implement
operation Eternal Righteousness"

I often look at myself and wonder if there is any cause or person
that I would incessantly defend to people I don't know and I can
honestly say there isn't and never has been, I'd take it as a sign
of growing instability in myself if I ever *had* to keep correcting
what I saw as "wrongness" in others. Try once and give it up unless
lives are at stake, for some reason I'm capable of surviving others
seeing the world differently to me.....

> And btw, Judy, you BEGAN attacking me not after my psychological rape 
> accusation, but rather soon after my Sept 6 upset with Robin.    
> ________________________________
>  From: seventhray1 <lurkernomore20002000@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2012 5:54 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: attempting to heal the brain down through the 
> ages
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@> wrote:
> > Well Share, considering the convoluted discussions, often confusing, 
> > downright misleading, and negative, intentionally hurtful things you've had 
> > to say about Robin online for all to see, (I'm certain Judy could provide 
> > links supporting my assertions) maybe Robin's decision to talk to you 
> > online was correct. It seems to me he may have intuited a tendency of 
> > stalking behavior on your part and wanted to nip in the bud perhaps a 
> > fledgling love interest, which he had no intention of encouraging. Your 
> > continued interest in him under the guise of "helping" him, help only his 
> > detractors think he needs, and continuing to press your case of 
> > psychological rape, an utterly bogus fantasy, is IMO simply deluded 
> > stalking as evidenced by your "actions." Maybe it's time for a vacation 
> > from FFLife to heal your attachment to Robin.
> Share, I don't know what it is that elicits this type of mean and demeaning  
> reply to you.  It seems so outrageous and full of baitng and innuendo.
> If we decide we want to start conjecturing about things, I think it is 
> just as likely that these women are just plain jealous of you for some 
> reason.   
> And I must say that your observation that the supporters of Robin seem to 
> treat him like he is a hapless young boy seems very apt.
> I think, as Raunchy mentions, that they would like nothing better than to 
> have you take a leave of absence from the site.  And if we want to continue 
> the theme of wild conjecturing as Raunchy seems want to do, I guess it might 
> be because then they could have more of Robin's attention. 

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