On 11/30/2012 08:48 AM, Share Long wrote:
> Received this from a friend yesterday.  I realize Costco is not the ideal, but
> if someone has to shop big box to economize, this is a step in the right 
> direction.
> http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/14418_451773671524984_1015077520_n.jpg

That is if you consume "mass quantities" of things.  How close is the 
nearest Costco to Fairfield?  How close is the nearest Walmart? Costco 
used to be where Walmart is now or about a mile away from me.  Costco 
built a store about a twice that size 12 miles away.  I let my Costco 
membership lapse years ago.

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