On 12/08/2012 06:37 AM, awoelflebater wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
>> Emily,
>> Thanks for the info.  It sounds like the procedures are still being drafted 
>> and implemented later.  Once all the rules are set, it might give me an 
>> incentive to visit Seattle again.
>> JR
> Pot is highly overrated. I figure anyone still smoking dope after the age of 
> 16 needs to find a better hobby or a more demanding job or get a pet or 
> something. (OK, I'm ready for the piling on.)

I think the issue is that throwing people in jail or prison for 
possessing or using a rather innocuous herb is a bit insane.  We know 
from history it was made illegal because as something they could arrest 
people who might disagree with their politics and keep them out of the 
way.   If coffee were discovered today it would be made a controlled 
substance.  Same with sugar.  Our drug laws don't address the problem.  
In 1971 I played a concert for inmates at the Washington State 
Penitentiary.  I talked with guys around my age who were inmates there 
because they got caught with joint or a bag of pot.  They were bright 
individuals living a terrified life at that institution because so 
wackjob politician though it a good idea to make marijuana illegal.

I would further say there is evidence that the reason marijuana 
legalization hasn't happened earlier is our corrupt political system 
where drug dealers pay off politicians to keep their source of revenue 
viable.  Because once legalized the drug dealer's game goes away.

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