> The Global Country of World Peace is a "nation without borders" promoting 
> unity in consciousness and the reduction of the narrow nationalism that 
> divides humanity from humanity. It is a home for peace-loving people 
> everywhere.
> >
> > The domain of the Global Country of World Peace is CONSCIOUSNESS—the prime 
> > mover of life—the ground state of natural law, the field of all 
> > possibilities. The Global Country of World Peace is a non-political, 
> > non-religious global organization and does not usurp any of the functions 
> > of existing governments, nor does it replace them in any way.
> >
Research shows that even a small number of experts in spiritual meditation 
technologies of consciousness can reduce conflict and social stress and 
transform the trends of time towards a new era of peace and prosperity for 
their nation and the entire world family.

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