Title: Margaret Henderson
Margaret Hendersen is a Sidha who cleans houses and trailers in Utopia Park.  Three weeks ago she badly injured her knee in a fall that resulted in the knee popping out of the socket, as well as extensive cartilage and soft tissue damage.  The Doctors have indicated that her recuperative time will be 4-6 months.

Her inability to work has caused her much stress.  She has no income to pay her rent and utilities. Even the purchase of food  has become a financial problem.  

I am asking 50 people to donate $10 each to give her a base from which to pay bills.  I used this method to raise scholarship funds when I ran My Lucky Day and found that most people can give this amount comfortably without burden. Any amount you choos to give will be greatly appreciated,.

Also, at least one cooked meal is needed daily or a donation of the price of a meal. Donations of cash or food will be picked up for delivery by calling Florence at 472-2749.  If you wish to send a check,  you may send it directly to Margaret at 202 West Burlington, FF, 52556. She rents from and lives above Dr. Yudin, dentist.

Thank you for your generous hearts.

Many blessings!

Florence Davis

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