Wow, seems to me someone claiming all this special bullshit that you are 
ascribing to me, would be pretty upset, by you and your cuddly friend's 
retorts. Oooops, sorry, but I Really Don't Give A Shit.

You two, who engage in systematic deception, are now supposed to be TELLING THE 
TRUTH???? How?

You two, who have been crying, "WOLF!" for years, and now expect to be heard, 
to be taken seriously??

You two, who mis-state the smallest things and radically distort anything you 
get your hands on? 

You know the definition of insanity, right, Curtis? Its doing the same thing 
over and over again, expecting a different result.

Listen you two little dweebs, it is all about being real. No one is listening 
to you for one reason: YOU AIN'T.

So, even if EVERY WORD you wrote about me was true, NO ONE WILL BELIEVE YOU, 

Get It...Yet? 

--- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@...> 
> This is an excellent writing prompt for one of my favorite topics.  The claim 
> that someone can be in a mental state which has expanded abilities such as 
> the ability to know that Barry and I are communicating offline, and even the 
> nature of those exchanges.  Comments below.
> --- In, doctordumbass@ <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > "But,the one thing that creeps me out, is that B and C, while licking their 
> > wounds, sometimes engage in open dialogue on FFL, which is NOTHING like 
> > what they send each other privately. Anyway, the charade, nauseating as it 
> > is, is preferable, imo, to them running roughshod."
> >  
> > [Curtis:] Are you a crazy person?  Do you realize that you could not 
> > possible know this?
> > 
> > This bears responding to. First, no, I am not a crazy person. Now, the 
> > thing to recognize about ongoing spiritual discovery is there comes a time 
> > when the mind JUST STOPS. No thoughts. Kind of like what we've all 
> > experienced in meditation. Only, this is the normal resting state of the 
> > mind, and it occurs, after some time, as a foundation for any state of 
> > consciousness; waking, dreaming and sleeping. 
> ME:  I'll tell you why I asked you that.  You are claiming to be able to 
> cross trans-personal boundaries between people and you seem incapable of 
> accepting feedback that you are not being successful at this.  You have 
> separated yourself from the kind of feedback loop which is society's standard 
> for being "on the ball".
> I get it that you are making a case that you are in a special state of mental 
> functioning that makes you able to function differently with regard to what 
> information you have access to.  But in this case you are completely wrong 
> and you can't use this feedback to alter your self perception. It makes 
> interactions with you disturbing.  The mental state you are describing in 
> activity sounds like an aberration of mental functioning even by the 
> Maharishi paradigm standards. 
> Although Maharishi made a claim that he was in this kind of state after Guru 
> Dev died when he was in Uttar Kashi, I've been around him enough to know that 
> he was a prolific thinker, workaholic level, Donald Trump planning, thinker.
> You:
> > 
> > The mind is only engaged when I want to engage it, and even then on a deep 
> > foundation of silence. When the mind 
> ME: This language pattern is what therapist use to detect dissociation.  It 
> is YOUR mind.  You are either parroting TM speak here or you have an issue 
> with dissociation.
> You:
> is in a state of restful alertness, but no thoughts are in it, it simply 
> reflects the truth of any situation. There is no longer any need for 
> speculation, or conjecture, or even much thought.
> ME:  I am familiar with the theory but it hasn't panned out.  Not only have 
> Barry and I not been communicating online for months, when we did it was 
> exactly as we do here.  That is the main reason I don't feel a need to 
> communicate with him offline, because I can always find him here and there is 
> no need for secret conversations, we talk freely on this board.  So now you 
> have heard from both parties in your claim, that your specific claim is 
> inaccurate.  The conventional move here would be to adjust your thoery to fit 
> the evidence.  You are not doing that.  This makes you at the least 
> unpleasantly stubborn with regard to feedback and at worst unplugged from 
> reality.
> You;
> > 
> > So when I said that your communication on FFL is nothing like what you two 
> > dweebs send each other privately, it is simply because it is obvious. No 
> > woo woo here, merely a silent mind.
> ME: See the dweeb thing is a tell. You are using your claim to have magical 
> mental powers as a way to elevate yourself above other people and in this 
> case put us down.  Although I believe this is your fundamental reason for 
> maintaining this belief about your special state of mind, I take you at your 
> word that you have made some kind of personality shift into a different style 
> of functioning than you had before.  What I am proposing here is that given 
> that you are now getting feedback that it is not working as you believe, you 
> may want to reconsider the belief system you are using to understand this 
> state of mind you have found yourself in.  You are not interacting here as a 
> person who has slipped into a mental state that could be called a higher 
> state with special abilities.  You are deluding yourself about the abilities 
> you have in this mental state.  You are not only not demonstrating that this 
> mental state is a big benefit to you, you are demonstrating the opposite,that 
> it is not serving you well and is interfering with your interactions with 
> others. 
> When a person claims to have secret knowledge of my activities off this 
> board, and I tell them that their conjecture is inaccurate, the functional 
> response is not to double down using dissociated language to parrot Maharishi 
> philosophy to me.  It would be to say "I guess I was wrong when I made that 
> guess.  It really felt to me like I was right, but you might know because the 
> guess was about your own personal activity."
> We all wish our subjective opinions about things were more than that.  It is 
> a natural part of our human nature, but it is a defect, a flaw in how our 
> minds have evolved.  Buying into philosophies that support the delusion that 
> we can gain certain knowledge without any reference to feedback is one of the 
> biggest cognitive issues I see in people into spiritual trips.
> > 
> > Thanks for the question.
> >

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