Very cool, thanks.  Giving credit to Numb3rs that I was able to follow really 
abstract stuff.  As for the last line in the article:  how the heck does he 
know for sure that he's not staying up all night worrying about it?! ha ha

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 4:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] The universe is a computer simulation run by our 

Living in a simulated world: UW scientists explore the theory
University of Washington physicists have come 
up with one way to test whether our universe is a giant computer 
simulation being run by our descendants.
By Katherine Long
Seattle Times higher education reporter 

It is entirely plausible, says University of Washington physics 
professor Martin Savage, that our universe and everything in it is one 
huge computer simulation being run by our descendants.
You, me, this newspaper, the room you're sitting in — everything we 
think of as reality is actually being generated by vast, powerful 
supercomputers of the future.
If that sounds mind-blowing, Savage and his colleagues think they've come up 
with a way to test whether it's true.
Their paper, "Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation," has 
kindled a lively international discussion about the simulation 
argument, which was first put forth in 2003 by University of Oxford 
philosophy professor Nick Bostrom.
A UW News posting explaining Savage's paper has gotten more than 
100,000 page views in a week, and ignited theories about the nature of 
reality and consciousness, the limits on computer networks and musings 
about what our future selves might be like.
Savage has been interviewed by U.S. News & World Report, The 
Australian and journalists in Finland, and his colleague and co-author, 
University of New Hampshire professor Silas Beane, has been interviewed 
by the BBC. UW physics graduate student Zohreh Davoudi also contributed 
to the paper.
"It's sort of caught fire," Savage said.
Bostrom, the Oxford professor, first proposed the idea that we live 
in a computer simulation in 2003. In a 2006 article, he said there was 
probably no way to know for certain if it is true.
Savage — who describes his "day job" as doing numerical simulations 
of lattice quantum chromodynamics — said a chance discussion among 
colleagues sparked the idea that there was a way to test the truth of 
Bostrom's theory.
And although it might deviate from the work he usually does, it was a worthy 
question because "there are lots of things about our universe we don't fully 
understand," Savage said. "This is certainly a different 
scenario for how our universe works — but nonetheless, it's quite 
In the paper, the physicists propose looking for a "signature," or 
pattern, in our universe that also occurs in current small-scale 
computer simulations. One such pattern might be a limitation in the 
energy of cosmic rays.
Because this theory is starting to test the limits of this reporter's 
scientific knowledge, we are going to rely on the words of UW News 
science writer Vince Stricherz, who translated the 14-page paper into 
laymen's terms:
"There are signatures of resource constraints in present-day 
simulations that are likely to exist as well in simulations in the 
distant future, including the imprint of an underlying lattice if one is used 
to model the space-time continuum," Stricherz wrote.
If our world is a computer simulation, "the highest-energy cosmic 
rays would not travel along the edges of the lattice in the model but 
would travel diagonally, and they would not interact equally in all 
directions as they otherwise would be expected to do."
Got that?
In other words, even supercomputers capable of creating a simulation 
of the universe would be hobbled by finite resources, and one way we 
might be able to detect those limits is to look for cosmic rays that 
don't travel the way they would be expected to travel.
Savage and his team are theorists, not experimentalists. They're not 
planning to perform such a test, although other physicists have said 
they're interested in doing so.
And such a test wouldn't absolutely prove we live in a computer simulation — 
just that it is possible.
"It would just be a beginning," Savage said. "It would be curious. It would 
stimulate further work."
As of late last week, the UW News article had sparked a wide-ranging online 
discussion, with more than 100 responses.
Among them:
"It seems unlikely that someone who could do this would be using the 
same programming techniques that we are currently thinking about. So 
doing this test might prove we are a sim (simulation) of dim-witted 
aliens but could not disprove that we are sims of ones slightly smarter 
than ourselves."
But — "IF we are in a simulation, then the world outside this 
simulated world is quite possibly COMPLETELY different from the world in it. We 
may very well be triple-headed, 7-legged cockroach-like 
creatures that decided to run a homo-sapiens simulation for the fun of 
"You folks take yourselves way too seriously," another wrote. "This is proof we 
never should have legalized marijuana."
Savage believes that at some point in the future, if mankind doesn't 
self-destruct along the way, "we'll try to do simulations of our 
history. We'll create something that looks like our own universe."
The paper concludes on this note: "There always remains the possibility for the 
simulated to discover the simulators."
If life is a simulation, though, it doesn't bother Savage.
"I don't stay up at night worrying about it," he said, laughing.


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