--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > I've got nothing much more to say on this topic,
> > but am replying to it anyway to point out the
> > contrast between what I wrote (below) and the
> > angry, panicked, out-of-control, gotta-get-
> > Barry reaction to it by DocDumbass, Judy, 
> > Ann, and Ravi. 
> > 
> > Pretty interesting, wouldn't you say?  :-)
> No. Or not the way you'd like to think.
> No panic, nothing out-of-control. That's your
> fantasy, and also an example of what we've been
> talking about.
> The contrast is between what you wrote below
> and the sick, twisted, dishonest, sadistic crap
> you usually write, the gotta-get-Judy/Ann/Ravi/
> DrD/Robin/whoever hysterical tirades that are
> your stock in trade, the smarmy "I'm just 
> pushing buttons" garbage, the faux-Tantra
> nonsense, the utter lack of even the faintest
> wisp of self-knowledge.
> You can dish it out, but you can't take it,
> never have been able to take it, not since I've
> known you. You think you're entitled to 
> gratuitously shit on anybody you feel like
> shitting on without ever having to take
> responsibility for it. You're a coward and a
> bully and a cheat and a phony and just generally
> a disgrace as a human being.
> One pretty little word picture and photo does
> not erase all that ugliness we're forced to
> endure from you. If you feel put-upon because
> you're getting reamed out for your toxic rubbish
> instead of getting strokes for your "creative"
> effort, tough. Live with it. We don't like having
> to live with you either.

Judy, I must say I just can't understand why and how
anybody would be forced to read what Barry, or anyone
else, for that matter, writes... :o

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