Classic Seinfeld.  Which I had never seen.  Thanks for posting.  Happy 
Festivus.  How would that be said in Dutch I wonder (-:

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Happy Festivus! 

Seinfeld Remembered: Festivus, for the Rest of Us  Happy Festivus!! Today is 
the most wonderful of holidays -- 
"Festivus, for the rest of us." If you are a Seinfeld devotee, then you 
probably mark this special December 23 celebration. 
But do you know the story of how Festivus actually began?
Festivus was started innocently enough in the 1960s in upstate New 
York. Daniel O'Keefe, created the fun holiday and it became a family 
tradition. Decades later, one of the O'Keefe offspring, Dan, worked on 
the Seinfeld show. Dan shared tales of his Festivus family celebrations 
and voila, a classic Seinfeld episode was born on Dec. 18, 1997.
In the Festivus episode, Frank Costanza, George's father, was a rabid Festivus 
This unique holiday, as featured on Seinfeld, involves an aluminum 
pole (unadorned and always tinsel-free), the Airing of Grievances (AOG) 
over dinner and the sharing of Festivus miracles.  The episode also 
included donations made to "The Human Fund," remembering Costanza family 
celebrations of the past (complete with pathetic audio tapes), and 
finally the Feats of Strength -- wrestling between the males at the 
Festivus gathering.
"The Strike," episode was an immediate hit.
For Seinfeld enthusiasts, you will recall it also featured Kramer 
walking a one-man picket line against a bagel store, Jerry's girlfriend 
of the week (of course) and George's boss, Kruger, who drank from a 
flask all through the Festivus meal.
None of it was a pretty picture.
Yet, for the Seinfeld faithful, the Festivus episode is a true 
classic.  At this time of year, the episode is fondly remembered and 
quoted often.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.


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