I stumbled upon it because of Netflix's buffering problems.  I also had 
the problem Saturday night so spent some money and watched "Bourne 
Legacy" on Amazon.  I chose Amazon over Vudu not because Vudu is owned 
by Walmart but because they use Dolby Digital Plus on some of their HD 
offerings and my receiver is too old to know what the hell DD+ is and 
decodes it as ProLogic which is underwhelming.  Amazon only does Dolby 
Digital 5.1.

Many of the films listed on Showtime, HBO and the free movies section of 
Comcast I've seen.  This was one I hadn't.  It followed trying to watch 
"Wreckage" for the second time on Showtime.  I stopped a couple nights 
back because "Wreckage" had all the signs of being a real loser because 
of 5 minutes of opening credits and a weak opening.  There was some 
argument about the film on a forum so I checked the reviews and many 
people said it picks up when "Breaking Bad" actor Aaron Paul is 
introduced and indeed it does. The film is too brutal for tender FFL'ers 
though so I'll rate it "Not for Buck."

I don't know how much longer I'm going to make out checks to Comcast 
welfare.  They lobbied and got the right from the FCC to encrypt local 
broadcast stations.  When that happens there is no real reason to keep 
them.  I will take up U-Verse on their promo offer.  When that runs out 
I'll switch to a satellite provider. Broadcast TV is rather droll as it 
is obvious that without upsetting mythical prudish midwesterners, who 
apparently stupidly fall for the advertising pitches, shows get toned 
down too much.

I won't risk the eyepatch route because the US gestapo is always looking 
for someone to hang for that.  Regarding fireworks I'll note they aren't 
happening this year for the downtown.  I think they even canceled them 
last year as they were too expensive and in recent years even canceled 
due to rain.  It is going to be a clear cold evening and cops busy 
filling jails with people who have alcohol on their breathe though maybe 
not even impaired enough to drive carelessly.  I'll find another video 
to watch.

After all:

It's the most boring time of the year.
When TV is boring,
you feel just like snoring,
as repeats make your eyes tear.
It's the most boring time of the year!

Happy New Year! :-D

On 12/31/2012 09:48 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> I saw this some time ago (think Johnny Depp saying, "Pirate!"),
>> and thought I'd mentioned it here, but a quick search seems to
>> indicate that maybe I didn't.
> Ah, I did. I was searching for the title of the movie
> in the text of the post, and it was in the Subject line.
> Worth repeating, because as Bhairitu says, this is a
> pretty good movie:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299267
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/299278
>> I just loved this movie, and not
>> *only* because it stars one of the most beautiful women in
>> the world, Eva Green.
>> The whole metaphor is lovely, especially what happens as people
>> learn to cope with the loss of a sense that they felt kinda defined
>> life and what it is to live it. The sense disappears, but life does not,
>> and one learns to cope, and continue on.
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>>> "Perfect Sense" is an apocalyptic love story.   It is the story of two
>>> people who fall in love as an epidemic spreads the planet robbing
>> people
>>> of their sensory perceptions.   Ewan McGregor plays a chef in a
>>> restaurant next door to the apartment of a epidemiologist, played by
>> Eva
>>> Green, who works for an organization trying to solve what is happening
>>> with the epidemic.  The first sense to go is that of smell.
>>> This is a smart apocalyptic film.  People don't turn into zombies but
>>> they do go berserk a bit whenever they lose another sense.  More
>> nudity
>>> than blood but not enough to rate it "Not for Buck."
>>> It's not on Netflix WI but available on DVD from Netflix.  I watched
>> it
>>> on Showtime OnDemand because Netflix was having another re-buffering
>> fit
>>> because apparently a lot of people were staying home last night and
>>> watching Netflix and their servers are just not ready for that kind of
>>> demand.
>>> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1439572/

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