"The whole purpose of life is to gain enlightenment. Nothing else is
significant compared to that completely natural, exalted state of 
consciousness.  So always strive for that. Set your life around that goal. 
Don't get caught up in small things, and then it will be yours." -Maharishi 
Mahesh Yogi 

--- In, "Buck"  wrote:
> Meditative Iowa
> An earliest account of spiritual practice in Iowa goes back to
> the Iowa natives themselves:
> Meditation as Spiritual practice and the recognition of a field effect in 
> Group practice of meditation as a sadhana came early on with European 
> settlement in Iowa too. 
> Iowa Group Meditations: Here's an Iowa 19th Century map of where there were 
> active regular meetings for group meditation very similar to our current TM 
> Patanjaliac transcendence practice of the discernment of Bhuti and Purusha:
> Early Iowa meditation practice: 
> Practicing American Transcendentalists came early too along with the 
> migration to Iowa,
> Communal Springwater:
> The Amana Colony was a practicing meditation ashram in its day:
> Grinnell and that college town would similarly be of that Transcendentalist 
> American spiritual movement too.  Pioneering Iowa Congregational Churches of 
> that era in territorial settlement were of a lineage of the spiritually 
> progressive churches of Emerson and Thoreau then, different from a growing 
> and increasingly contentious doctrinal evangelical religious movement of that 
> day.  
> Historically TM then comes to Iowa later.
> When TM came to Iowa:
> -Buck
> --- In, "Buck" wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > > > Dear Liberation Seeker;
> > > > Yes, so the science says so; that transcendence is the way of evolution.
> > > > For many good reasons that even the science is showing now that
> > > >  everyone should meditate, take time out and meditate.
> > > > Even for the awakened there is more work to do.
> > > > But certainly for the seeker.
> > > > 
> > > > Best Regards,
> > > > -Buck
> > > >  
> > Yep,
> > As a community we meditate everyday together at 7:30am and 5pm  
> > In Fairfield.  There's a great spiritual and field effect of meditation 
> > here in Fairfield which is rich.  Our State motto has been,"Iowa, a Place 
> > to Grow".   It's true, there is a rich and old field of spirituality all 
> > about Fairfield that goes way back.  Today's meditators and the flow of Sat 
> > gurus who have come through Iowa are the extension of what has been here 
> > before; high-minded community and spirituality.
> > It's very Iowan and American.  It's one of the more spiritual places on 
> > earth right now.
> > If you haven't you should take the opportunity to come sit
> > with it too.  If you haven't been here recently you should visit again,
> > put it on your bucket list at least, before you die.
> > 
> > -Buck in the Dome
> >

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