Scientist: Top Selling Weed Killer – Monsanto's Roundup –
Linked tInfertilityo 
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nked-to-infertility-scientist/#idc-container>   [Lisa Garber]
by Lisa Garber <>
January 9th, 2013 | Updated 01/09/2013 at 3:56 am

  [pesticidesmachineinside 265x165 Scientist: Top Selling Weed Killer  
Monsantos Roundup   Linked to Infertility] Monsanto has made a pretty
penny over the last several decades thanks to its top-selling herbicide,
Roundup, and cash crops genetically modified to withstand heavy doses of
the chemical, such as Roundup Ready corn, soy, and cotton. Meanwhile,
Roundup's key ingredient glyphosate has ravaged the earth, our food
chain, and our bodies, and is even causing infertility among the masses.
Its effects haven't gone unnoticed.

Purdue University professor emeritus Dr. Don Huber addressed the dangers
of glyphosate to American and European officials in 2011. His concerns
centered on an electron microscopic pathogen which "appears to
significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human
beings." In a letter to US Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom
Vilsack, Huber added that preliminary experiments have reproduced the
pathogen's link to miscarriages.

Vilsack purportedly received Huber's letter and, despite the
available mountain of evidence just one click away, encouraged of Huber
"submission of any data or studies in support of his concerns."
Apparently, none of the scientific, published evidence of
e/>  infertility, sterility, birth defects, Parkinson's, obesity,
ion-hectares/> , and water pollution
<>  were convincing enough to
keep the USDA from snuggling down next to Monsanto on a bed of dirty
money just 11 days later. Despite Huber's explicit pleas to delay
deregulation of Roundup Ready crops—which would be, in his words,
"a calamity"—the USDA went through with deregulation.

This was neither the first nor would it be the last hand members of the
government would join with dirty industries
ngers/>  to the detriment of their own citizenry. Reuters
WX20110408>  reports on the myriad concerns raised by numerous members
of the scientific and medical community, yet it is only in 2015 that the
Environmental Protection Agency promises results for their research into
the possible dangers of glyphosate and what, if any, role government
should play in it.

Seeing as the government has been front and center in support of
Monsanto's environmentally disastrous antics, we hope to see matched
enthusiasm in remedial measures for the environment and its people.

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