--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> Salyavin, as I read this tiny muscles around the base of each hair folicle 
> tensed and the hair stood up.  But that's ok because I now know that 
> whenever I'm sitting, I'm also floating.

And no sutra required!

  Yay!  BTW, you and Bob Price tie for Best Post of 2013 IMHO (-:
> ________________________________
>  From: salyavin808 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 2:59 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] In space no one will hear you scream. Because you 
> won't.....
> 20 amazing facts about the human body
> Many of the most exciting discoveries in all fields of science are being 
> played out in the human body
>       * The Observer,  Sunday 27 January 2013
>       * 
> From DNA to the atoms inside us, the human body is a scientific marvel. 
> Photograph: David Smith/Alamy
> The appendix gets a bad press. It is usually treated as a body part that lost 
> its function millions of years ago. All it seems to do is occasionally get 
> infected and cause appendicitis. Yet recently it has been discovered that 
> the appendix is very useful to the bacteria that help your digestive system 
> function. They use it to get respite from the strain of the frenzied activity 
> of the gut, somewhere to breed and help keep the gut's bacterial inhabitants 
> topped up. So treat your appendix with respect.
> Practically everything we experience is made up of molecules. These vary in 
> size from simple pairs of atoms, like an oxygen molecule, to complex organic 
> structures. But the biggest molecule in nature resides in your body. It is 
> chromosome 1. A normal human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes in its 
> nucleus, each a single, very long, molecule of DNA. Chromosome 1 is the 
> biggest, containing around 10bn atoms, to pack in the amount of information 
> that is encoded in the molecule.
> It is hard to grasp just how small the atoms that make up your body are until 
> you take a look at the sheer number of them. An adult is made up of around 
> 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms.
> It might seem hard to believe, but we have about the same number of hairs on 
> our bodies as a chimpanzee, it's just that our hairs are useless, so fine 
> they are almost invisible. We aren't sure quite why we lost our protective 
> fur. It has been suggested that it may have been to help early humans sweat 
> more easily, or to make life harder for parasites such as lice and ticks, or 
> even because our ancestors were partly aquatic.
> But perhaps the most attractive idea is that early humans needed to 
> co-operate more when they moved out of the trees into the savanna. When 
> animals are bred for co-operation, as we once did with wolves to produce 
> dogs, they become more like their infants. In a fascinating 40-year 
> experiment starting in the 1950s, Russian foxes were bred for docility. Over 
> the period, adult foxes become more and more like large cubs, spending more 
> time playing, and developing drooping ears, floppy tails and patterned coats. 
> Humans similarly have some characteristics of infantile apes â€" large heads, 
> small mouths and, significantly here, finer body hair.
> Goosepimples are a remnant of our evolutionary predecessors. They occur when 
> tiny muscles around the base of each hair tense, pulling the hair more erect. 
> With a decent covering of fur, this would fluff up the coat, getting more air 
> into it, making it a better insulator. But with a human's thin body hair, it 
> just makes our skin look strange.
> Similarly we get the bristling feeling of our hair standing on end when we 
> are scared or experience an emotive memory. Many mammals fluff up their fur 
> when threatened, to look bigger and so more dangerous. Humans used to have a 
> similar defensive fluffing up of their body hairs, but once again, the effect 
> is now ruined. We still feel the sensation of hairs standing on end, but gain 
> no visual bulk.
> If sci-fi movies were to be believed, terrible things would happen if your 
> body were pushed from a spaceship without a suit. But it's mostly fiction. 
> There would be some discomfort as the air inside the body expanded, but 
> nothing like the exploding body parts Hollywood loves. Although liquids do 
> boil in a vacuum, your blood is kept under pressure by your circulatory 
> system and would be just fine. And although space is very cold, you would not 
> lose heat particularly quickly. As Thermos flasks demonstrate, a vacuum is a 
> great insulator.
> In practice, the thing that will kill you in space is simply the lack of air. 
> In 1965 a test subject's suit sprang a leak in a Nasa vacuum chamber. The 
> victim, who survived, remained conscious for around 14 seconds. The exact 
> survival limit isn't known, but would probably be one to two minutes.
> The atoms that make up your body are mostly empty space, so despite there 
> being so many of them, without that space you would compress into a tiny 
> volume. The nucleus that makes up the vast bulk of the matter in an atom is 
> so much smaller than the whole structure that it is comparable to the size of 
> a fly in a cathedral. If you lost all your empty atomic space, your body 
> would fit into a cube less than 1/500th of a centimetre on each side. Neutron 
> stars are made up of matter that has undergone exactly this kind of 
> compression. In a single cubic centimetre of neutron star material there are 
> around 100m tons of matter. An entire neutron star, heavier than our sun, 
> occupies a sphere that is roughly the size across of the Isle of Wight.
> The atoms that make up matter never touch each other. The closer they get, 
> the more repulsion there is between the electrical charges on their component 
> parts. It's like trying to bring two intensely powerful magnets together, 
> north pole to north pole. This even applies when objects appear to be in 
> contact. When you sit on a chair, you don't touch it. You float a tiny 
> distance above, suspended by the repulsion between atoms. This 
> electromagnetic force is vastly stronger than the force of gravity â€" around 
> a billion billion billion billion times stronger. You can demonstrate the 
> relative strength by holding a fridge magnet near a fridge and letting go. 
> The electromagnetic force from the tiny magnet overwhelms the gravitational 
> attraction of the whole Earth.
> Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Hydrogen, the most common 
> element in the universe and a major feature of your body, was produced in the 
> big bang 13.7bn years ago. Heavier atoms such as carbon and oxygen were 
> forged in stars between 7bn and 12bn years ago, and blasted across space when 
> the stars exploded. Some of these explosions were so powerful that they also 
> produced the elements heavier than iron, which stars can't construct. This 
> means that the components of your body are truly ancient: you are stardust.
> One of the mysteries of science is how something as apparently solid and 
> straightforward as your body can be made of strangely behaving quantum 
> particles such as atoms and their constituents. If you ask most people to 
> draw a picture of one of the atoms in their bodies, they will produce 
> something like a miniature solar system, with a nucleus as the sun and 
> electrons whizzing round like planets. This was, indeed, an early model of 
> the atom, but it was realised that such atoms would collapse in an instant. 
> This is because electrons have an electrical charge and accelerating a 
> charged particle, which is necessary to keep it in orbit, would make it give 
> off energy in the form of light, leaving the electron spiralling into the 
> nucleus.
> In reality, electrons are confined to specific orbits, as if they ran on 
> rails. They can't exist anywhere between these orbits but have to make a 
> "quantum leap" from one to another. What's more, as quantum particles, 
> electrons exist as a collection of probabilities rather than at specific 
> locations, so a better picture is to show the electrons as a set of fuzzy 
> shells around the nucleus.
> When you see blood oozing from a cut in your finger, you might assume that it 
> is red because of the iron in it, rather as rust has a reddish hue. But the 
> presence of the iron is a coincidence. The red colour arises because the iron 
> is bound in a ring of atoms in haemoglobin called porphyrin and it's the 
> shape of this structure that produces the colour. Just how red your 
> haemoglobin is depends on whether there is oxygen bound to it. When there is 
> oxygen present, it changes the shape of the porphyrin, giving the red blood 
> cells a more vivid shade.
> Surprisingly, not all the useful DNA in your chromosomes comes from your 
> evolutionary ancestors â€" some of it was borrowed from elsewhere. Your DNA 
> includes the genes from at least eight retroviruses. These are a kind of 
> virus that makes use of the cell's mechanisms for coding DNA to take over a 
> cell. At some point in human history, these genes became incorporated into 
> human DNA. These viral genes in DNA now perform important functions in human 
> reproduction, yet they are entirely alien to our genetic ancestry.
> On sheer count of cells, there is more bacterial life inside you than human. 
> There are around 10tn of your own cells, but 10 times more bacteria. Many of 
> the bacteria that call you home are friendly in the sense that they don't do 
> any harm. Some are beneficial.
> In the 1920s, an American engineer investigated whether animals could live 
> without bacteria, hoping that a bacteria-free world would be a healthier one. 
> James "Art" Reyniers made it his life's work to produce environments where 
> animals could be raised bacteria-free. The result was clear. It was possible. 
> But many of Reyniers's animals died and those that survived had to be fed on 
> special food. This is because bacteria in the gut help with digestion. You 
> could exist with no bacteria, but without the help of the enzymes in your gut 
> that bacteria produce, you would need to eat food that is more loaded with 
> nutrients than a typical diet.
> Depending on how old you are, it's pretty likely that you have eyelash mites. 
> These tiny creatures live on old skin cells and the natural oil (sebum) 
> produced by human hair follicles. They are usually harmless, though they can 
> cause an allergic reaction in a minority of people. Eyelash mites typically 
> grow to a third of a millimetre and are near-transparent, so you are unlikely 
> to see them with the naked eye. Put an eyelash hair or eyebrow hair under the 
> microscope, though, and you may find them, as they spend most of their time 
> right at the base of the hair where it meets the skin. Around half the 
> population have them, a proportion that rises as we get older.
> Your eyes are very sensitive, able to detect just a few photons of light. If 
> you take a look on a very clear night at the constellation of Andromeda, a 
> little fuzzy patch of light is just visible with the naked eye. If you can 
> make out that tiny blob, you are seeing as far as is humanly possible without 
> technology. Andromeda is the nearest large galaxy to our own Milky Way. But 
> "near" is a relative term in intergalactic space â€" the Andromeda galaxy is 
> 2.5m light years away. When the photons of light that hit your eye began 
> their journey, there were no human beings. We were yet to evolve. You are 
> seeing an almost inconceivable distance and looking back in time through 2.5m 
> years.
> Despite what you've probably been told, you have more than five senses. 
> Here's a simple example. Put your hand a few centimetres away from a hot 
> iron. None of your five senses can tell you the iron will burn you. Yet you 
> can feel that the iron is hot from a distance and won't touch it. This is 
> thanks to an extra sense â€" the heat sensors in your skin. Similarly we can 
> detect pain or tell if we are upside down.
> Another quick test. Close your eyes and touch your nose. You aren't using the 
> big five to find it, but instead proprioception. This is the sense that 
> detects where the parts of your body are with respect to each other. It's a 
> meta-sense, combining your brain's knowledge of what your muscles are doing 
> with a feel for the size and shape of your body. Without using your basic 
> five senses, you can still guide a hand unerringly to touch your nose.
> Just like a chicken, your life started off with an egg. Not a chunky thing in 
> a shell, but an egg nonetheless. However, there is a significant difference 
> between a human egg and a chicken egg that has a surprising effect on your 
> age. Human eggs are tiny. They are, after all, just a single cell and are 
> typically around 0.2mm across â€" about the size of a printed full stop. Your 
> egg was formed in your mother â€" but the surprising thing is that it was 
> formed when she was an embryo. The formation of your egg, and the half of 
> your DNA that came from your mother, could be considered as the very first 
> moment of your existence. And it happened before your mother was born. Say 
> your mother was 30 when she had you, then on your 18th birthday you were 
> arguably over 48 years old.
> We are used to thinking of genes as being the controlling factor that 
> determines what each of us is like physically, but genes are only a tiny part 
> of our DNA. The other 97% was thought to be junk until recently, but we now 
> realise that epigenetics â€" the processes that go on outside the genes â€" 
> also have a major influence on our development. Some parts act to control 
> "switches" that turn genes on and off, or program the production of other key 
> compounds. For a long time it was a puzzle how around 20,000 genes (far fewer 
> than some breeds of rice) were enough to specify exactly what we were like. 
> The realisation now is that the other 97% of our DNA is equally important.
> If you are like most people, you will locate your conscious mind roughly 
> behind your eyes, as if there were a little person sitting there, steering 
> the much larger automaton that is your body. You know there isn't really a 
> tiny figure in there, pulling the levers, but your consciousness seems to 
> have an independent existence, telling the rest of your body what to do.
> In reality, much of the control comes from your unconscious. Some tasks 
> become automatic with practice, so that we no longer need to think about the 
> basic actions. When this happens the process is handled by one of the most 
> primitive parts of the brain, close to the brain stem. However even a clearly 
> conscious action such as picking up an object seems to have some unconscious 
> precursors, with the brain firing up before you make the decision to act. 
> There is considerable argument over when the conscious mind plays its part, 
> but there is no doubt that we owe a lot more to our unconscious than we often 
> allow.
> The picture of the world we "see" is artificial. Our brains don't produce an 
> image the way a video camera works. Instead, the brain constructs a model of 
> the world from the information provided by modules that measure light and 
> shade, edges, curvature and so on. This makes it simple for the brain to 
> paint out the blind spot, the area of your retina where the optic nerve 
> joins, which has no sensors. It also compensates for the rapid jerky 
> movements of our eyes called saccades, giving a false picture of steady 
> vision.
> But the downside of this process is that it makes our eyes easy to fool. TV, 
> films and optical illusions work by misleading the brain about what the eye 
> is seeing. This is also why the moon appears much larger than it is and seems 
> to vary in size: the true optical size of the moon is similar to a hole 
> created by a hole punch held at arm's length.

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