Stunning dude - and none of these jokers look like life-abnegating,
physically, emotionally, psychologically stunted to you?

How can you dream of any Gyan Yuga or progress or new age of enlightenment
when you continue to peddle this older paradigm - these masochistic feats
of physical endurance as spirituality, as inner freedom?

I had the pleasure of interacting with a bunch of teenagers during my India
trip courtesy of my nephew. They are all like teenagers here - totally into
music, partying, Facebook, Youtube. You think you will be able to sell
these materially impoverished, life abnegating saints and their so-called
words of wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment to them?  I think not.

On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 6:57 PM,

> **
> Devraha Baba would often say that there is a Gyan Yuga coming in the midst
> of Kali Yuga, starting from a transition period from 2000 to 2020, and that
> His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the one creating it.
> Understand the significance of this august personage:

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