--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> At the top of my FFL message board for the last 2 weeks 
> are frequent ads for L Ron Hubbard's web site. Do others 
> have this happening? Is this selective advertising where 
> they consider FFL people a good audience?  If so, they 
> are way off base.

Possibly not, according to the algorithms that run
Google's ad placement. They would figure, "Once a 
sucker, always one." 

After all, consider Buck's bragging about how many
spiritual teachers, healers, "saints," etc. come to
Fairfield. Why do you think they DO that...for the

They come to Fairfield because they know that they
have a substantial audience with a proven history of
paying money (and often substantial sums of money)
for Anything Supposedly Spiritual. 

I wouldn't be surprised if the Google algorithms made
the same decisions. 

I don't seen any ads because I use Ad-Blocker, so I
can't comment on any that might appear. But I do know
that no humans are in the loop when deciding on their
placement. It's all statistics, and assessments of who
might be the most likely target audiences for the
products involved. I know that they parse the content
of groups like this looking for keywords, and then 
choose matching ads for placement. Possibly a number
of the posts made here recently about $cientology 
have triggered the ads you're seeing. That and the
fact that the Co$ is in a state of panic right now,
and has radically increased its advertising. 

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