On 02/13/2013 09:52 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog"  wrote:
>> The GOP has their heart set on Marco Rubio. Chris Matthews called
>> his rebuttal speech last night "primitive" and likened it to
>> "Tinker Toys" and I have to agree...he's another Republican moron.
> I'll have to take your word on that, because I only watched 9 seconds of the 
> rebuttal speech:
> http://youtu.be/BmEDoA3YnOM

Rubio is definitely a "candidate for idiots".  He happened to be on 
after I walked back into the room where the TV is and indeed he was 
spewing stupid stuff.  OTOH, being in the tech world I have a critique 
of Obama's Pep Talk where he talked about more training in the technical 
field so the country would lead again.  Well anyone who knows the field 
would know we have plenty of training available and that isn't the 
problem.  It's the cutting of arts programs that have hurt our 
innovative lead.  Where the hell do you think you are going to get 
creative people if you cut those?  Many will apply that creativity to 
technical fields.  It doesn't mean that you graduate people in arts 
fields but those opportunities need to be there if you want innovative 
people.  Otherwise you just get "tech mechanics."

I'm listening to (though I find it harded to listen to him) Obama fan 
Thom Hartmann saying that Obama "knocked one out of the park last 
night."  Geez, there was nothing there most intelligent liberals don't 
already know.  It was proforma at best.  Thom is just a Democrat and 
probably would even be a Frank Underwood fan.  In fact I saw Obama's 
speech as delivering it to a chamber full  of "Frank Underwoods."

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