obbajeeba, I enjoy your strength and dignity - It Rocks! Thank you.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > Oh yeah, baby, free love if you let me. Lick that extra 
> > > wet lick lick lick your face and all. Oh, don't forget 
> > > that rubber! Hey, give me a full physical for everyone 
> > > who swings and I will be a millionaire! 
> > > Did you know that venereal disease is pretty common 
> > > among the aging population? They like to wank the wong 
> > > to barren wombs of the love canal! No pregnancy and 
> > > viagra..whoopie! 
> > > If it ain't good enough, time to wonder what her snatch 
> > > feels like..and hers and his is bigger and turns to the 
> > > left a bit more..
> > > Good for you my ass. It means you are fucking bored with 
> > > your partner. 
> > 
> > I shall allow this idiocy to stand on its own as an
> > example of why obba has never succeeded in her attempts 
> > to flirt with guys on FFL. Who could even *imagine* 
> > getting it on with someone that ignorant?
> > 
> Precisely why you took the time to snip and cut what this post was in 
> response too, and why you have much free time to troll on FFL. Your crusty 
> undies are showing, from the shadow in the corner of the room, only lit by 
> your laptop LED screen, and your perverted mind makes clear your real 
> interest here, is to stroke your member and sip your drink to an imaginary 
> friend, you call intellectual soft porn, waiting for the next gala to parade 
> with your favorite movie stars. Ahh, as the mangy castrated bull stands in 
> the field watching the real males hump their way to offspring, something your 
> squirt can only wish for in the puddle of yellow spill below your belly. 
> Tinkling delight of your urine sooth, Turq thinks, "Who's wife can I best 
> beat off too, from this plastic keyboard orgasm happening in front of me and 
> I assume my penis is erect for you oh cherished one."
> Flirting?  Flirting is your "imagination," for if this was the case, the 
> visual verbiage would lay in private message as you so humbly write and 
> respond to.
> No, wait, the Turq knows when one is flirting and how can it be the most 
> ignorant would come like the Ganges River and what single man with a working 
> firm, wood, avoid what nature? Cleanse yourself, bathe in the waters of real 
> women.
> Turq, back to your movie fantasy of women above cunt status, which is why you 
> have never had a lasting relationship with any woman in your whole life, 
> including your Mother who was glad to see you move away, that spurt your 
> father left behind, her nightmare result, she knew she had to raise you to 
> never reproduce. Window shopping in Amsterdam, need I say anymore?
> > Instead I'll focus in one of my last posts for the 
> > week on the excellent article that Alex found and 
> > posted. It's about bloody time that someone did some 
> > real studies on polyamorous relationships, to help 
> > overcome the idiotic ideas that monogomaphobes have 
> > about them. 
> > 
> > Living as I do as a non-involved fly on the wall in a
> > polyamorous household, I have a more realistic picture
> > of what is involved in nonmonogamous relationships than
> > most. If there is a single word that characterizes the 
> > successful ones I've seen, that word is *honesty*. 
> > 
> > It's not about the sex, or as the idiot above suggests,
> > about being bored with one's partner. It's about having
> > the freedom to have more than one partner if one is
> > "drawn that way." Claiming that "there can be only one"
> > is as stupid in romantic relationships as it is for the
> > people who claim that "seeing other teachers" is suffic-
> > ient grounds to excommunicate someone from a spiritual
> > organization. And even in that parallel, as we all know
> > from the history of the TMO, people are willing to
> > *overlook* "straying" to other teachers AS LONG AS
> > THOSE WHO DO IT *LIE* ABOUT IT. It's the *openness*
> > and the *non-willingness* to lie about one's actions
> > or apologize for them that the sexual prudes and the 
> > spiritual fascists hate.
> > 
> > I've seen the non-lying, open approach to relationships
> > WORK, and work well in nonmonogamous relationships. 
> > Alas, I cannot say that for most of the monogamous 
> > relationships I've been exposed to. While publicly 
> > clinging to the notion of monogamy, all one has to do
> > is look at divorce statistics to see that over 50% of
> > them are more often than not a rats' nest of lies, as 
> > one or both partners step out on the other, lying about 
> > it the whole time. *And*, as pointed out in the article, 
> > taking insane chances of contracting STDs while doing 
> > so, because they're in such a state of denial about 
> > what they're doing that they don't even carry condoms 
> > with them. 
> > 
> > The person who benefits most from the particular non-
> > monogamous relationship I live with is 4-year-old Maya.
> > She is fortunate enough to have two loving mothers and
> > one loving father, not to mention a weird Uncle who is
> > not romantically involved with any of them but approves
> > fully of what they are doing -- all to take care of her
> > and teach her things. It's a remarkably *honest* envir-
> > onment, one that I'm pretty sure will enable Maya to 
> > grow up to be honest herself. 
> > 
> > Like the other members of the extended family I live with,
> > I often grow tired of the things that supposedly monoga-
> > mous people project onto nonmonogamous relationships, 
> > and the holier-than-thou bullshit they proclaim, all 
> > while screwing their secretaries and Pilates instructors
> > on the side and lying about it. Fuck them all. Give me
> > people who have the courage to be honest any day. 
> > 
> > The French had it right all along:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/01/world/europe/mazarine-pingeot-mitterrand-daughter-looks-back.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
> > 
> > Meanwhile, back in the TMO, you've got such a culture of 
> > lying that Maharishi could never admit to getting it on
> > with his female students (and we can be pretty sure that
> > when he did he was in such denial about it that he didn't
> > use condoms) and that King Tony can't admit even to his 
> > closest friends that he's legally *married*. No wonder no 
> > one has any respect for TMers. They've turned hypocrisy
> > into an artform. 
> > 
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://news.yahoo.com/sexual-revolution-polyamory-may-good-154751829.html
> > > > 
> > > > On Valentine's Day, images of couples are everywhere. They're buying 
> > > > each other diamond rings, making eyes over expensive restaurant meals 
> > > > and canoodling over chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. But 
> > > > two-by-two isn't the only way to go through life. In fact, an estimated 
> > > > 4 to 5 percent of Americans are looking outside their relationship for 
> > > > love and sex — with their partner's full permission.
> > > > 
> > > > These consensually nonmonogamous relationships, as they're called, 
> > > > don't conform to the cultural norm of a handholding couple in love for 
> > > > life. They come in a dizzying array of forms, from occasional 
> > > > "swinging" and open relationships to long-term commitments among 
> > > > multiple people. Now, social scientists embarking on brand-new research 
> > > > into these types of relationships are finding that they may challenge 
> > > > the ways we think of jealousy, commitment and love. They may even 
> > > > change monogamy for the better.
> > > > 
> > > > "People in these relationships really communicate. They communicate to 
> > > > death," said Bjarne Holmes, a psychologist at Champlain College in 
> > > > Vermont. All of that negotiation may hold a lesson for the monogamously 
> > > > inclined, Holmes told LiveScience.
> > > > 
> > > > "They are potentially doing quite a lot of things that could turn out 
> > > > to be things that if people who are practicing monogamy did more of, 
> > > > their relationships would actually be better off," Holmes said.
> > > > 
> > > > [rest of story at link]
> > > >
> > >
> >

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