On 03/19/2013 02:25 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> My "playtime crew" is just as diverse, but on the whole just as happy.
> I've seen none of the classic Parisian depression on this trip so far,
> only joie de vivre. In this cafe there are tables of French people
> discussing art or sports or literature or TV personalities or
> philosophy, the common denominator amongst all of them is that they seem
> to all be having a good time. Being French, they don't overdrink,
> meaning that I cannot detect a drunk person in the joint. They just sip
> at their wines and their beers and enjoy them, not chug them for the
> purpose (like the Brits) of getting drunk and losing their inhibitions.
> My take on that is that the French simply have fewer inhibitions to
> lose, so they can enjoy their beverages for the taste, and not treat
> them as a drug, or a means to an end.
> The crowd is also ethnically diverse. There are North Africans here, and
> Chinese (Butte aux Cailles being next door to one of Paris' Chinatowns)
> and Vietnamese and Arabs and even a few French-bread French. And they
> don't seem to have any problem with all of them being French. I see that
> in the Netherlands as well, but here it's more laid back, as if
> tolerance were not just politically correct, but Just How Things Are
> Done.
> Me, right now I'm the guy in the corner sitting at a small table and
> typing on his laptop.


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