--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@> wrote:
> >
> > As we know FFL'ers are too lazy to just start a new 
> > thread or topic so they just hijack a current one 
> > sometimes changing the subject line. They don't seem 
> > to know that the new topic is going to be way inside 
> > another one. Of course thread hijacking is poor 
> > netiquette but only on FFL would raising the issue 
> > create hackles. See it really is the Funny 
> > Farm Lounge.
> It annoys me when people retitle a thread to get a message
> to just one person.

It's dumb, with a capital 'D,' and marks those who
do it as newbies with no sense of netiquette and 
no knowledge of how things work on the Internet. 
I think it started with Robin, who falls into both 
those categories. 

People who do this have no concept of threads and
what they're for, OR that they're on a group that
invites chat *as* a group. If you want to send a
message to a single person, as Bhairitu says, 

Brand new. Because of the braindead way that Yahoo
handles threads, that's what one should do to be
true to decades of netiquette among people who
understand how things work. Some people read FFL
"threaded," meaning that they're not reading the
posts in the order they were posted, or by title,
but in the sequence that they fall within a thread.
If you rename the Subject line of a post, IT STAYS
IN THE SAME THREAD and messes all these people up.
They wind up having to read some garbage that has
nothing to do with the original thread.

This is far from the only way in which reading FFL
is like dealing with kindergarteners, but it's
certainly one of the most annoying. 

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