--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I've been having some Internet conversations lately with one 
> of the women I knew only slightly during the Rama Daze, but 
> whom I've come to appreciate more As Time Goes By (cue Hoagy 
> Carmichael, who didn't even play piano when he played 'Sam' 
> in "Casablanca"). 

Oops, my bad. Hoagy Carmichael played piano in another
Bogey movie; the person who played 'Sam' in "Casablanca"
was Dooley Wilson. The story about him, however, is true.
He was a singer, but didn't play any instruments, someone
else's fingers being shot playing the piano in that movie
in close-ups. People kept booking him for years afterwards
as a solo act, and he'd get there and have to ask, "Where
is my pianist?" and they'd have to run out and find one
to back him up. 

No one actually ever said, "Play it again, Sam" in that
movie, either. That's just a myth.

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