Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Search Results

1       AbhASa  m. speech , talking ; addressing R. ; a saying , proverb ; 
introduction , preface L.

2       AbhAsa  m. splendour , light R. Veda1ntas. 195 ; colour , appearance R. 
Sus3r. Bhag. ; semblance , phantom , phantasm of the imagination ; mere 
appearance , fallacious appearance Veda1ntas. S3a1n3khS3r. ; reflection ; 
intention , purpose ; (in log.) fallacy , semblance of a reason , sophism , an 
erroneous though plausible argument (regarded by logicians as of various kind) 
; ifc. looking like , having the mere appearance of a thing Gaut. Sa1h. &c.

(Can you spot the difference between those two words? LOL!)

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