The much abused goddess of plenty

By Yogi Ashwini

17th March 2013 12:00 AM

Back in 1993, the spread of the mad cow disease took a toll 
of many across the globe. As a result, many stopped 
consuming beef products. However, not eating beef does not 
guarantee an escape from the disease and infection that 
comes with abusing the cow. Cattle by-products today find 
their way into almost everything around us. Gelatine  is 
made by treating the bones of a cow with acid and finds its 
way into gel capsules, food products such as jellybeans, 
marshmallows and instant gelatine; as a setting agent for 
ice-creams and cheesecakes; as a coat on tablets and even to 
bind photo film. Fat from the dead cow is used in making 
soap, toothpaste as well as automobile tyres and also in 
asphalt. Glycerin derived from cow fat is used in 
manufacturing cosmetics. In war time, it's used in the 
explosive nitroglycerine. Its hooves and horns adorn our 
shirts as buttons and also make up the foam of fire 
extinguishers. Its blood goes into making plywood and 
fertilisers. Its hide becomes leather shoes or sporting 
goods while the foot oil obtained by boiling dead cows' feet 
is used to dress the leather. The root gland of the tongue 
yields pregastric lipase, which is used in cheese-making. 
Tissue from its small intestines is used for tennis racket 
strings and also as surgical sutures. Its nasal septum goes 
into making medicine for arthritis; from its lungs and 
intestines the anticoagulant drug heparin is made, and the 
cow's adrenal gland gives epinephrine. Catalase from its 
liver is used in lens-care products. The cholesterol, which 
is used to make artificial male sex hormones, comes from the 
cow's spinal cord, a tissue that contains prions -- the 
rogue protein that causes mad cow disease. Ironically, 
vaccines are grown in foetal calf serum.

So, whether you are a vegetarian or non-vegetarian, a Hindu, 
a Muslim or a Christian, the hands of all are stained with 
the blood of the cow. It is said that what goes around, 
comes around. Abusing the cow is coming back to us not just 
as mad cow disease, but also as a plethora of other health 
risks posed by cattle products. Beef is heavy on the heart, 
reproductive system, immunity, progeny and even on the 
chance of your survival! Beef sold in the market is 
saturated with Omega 6 fats that promote heart disease. It 
is implanted with heavy doses of diet supplements, hormones, 
drugs and antibiotics that play havoc with your immune 
system and are often responsible for cancer, premature 
puberty and falling sperm counts. Beef is irradiated many 
times, exposing you and your progeny to radioactive material 
and harmful gamma rays. This beef has also been found to 
contain significant quantities of dioxin that is linked to 
diseases such as cancer and reproductive defects. E. coli 
O157:H7 that resides in the intestines of healthy cattle 
foster acute hemorrhagic diarrhoea and abdominal cramps in 
humans. Beef and other cattle by-products are often 
contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides and chemicals 
used in cattle farming. One look at any local garbage dump 
is enough to convince anyone of the various deadly wastes 
that fill the stomachs of the animals that forage around. 
These deadly wastes find their way through the above 
mentioned products into your homes and your body.

These days there is a misconception among people that cow 
meat promotes physical strength and muscle power. There is 
not one Indian wrestler who consumes beef. In fact, Dara 
Singh who was a champion of his times was largely a 
vegetarian. The only thing you can gain from meat is the bad 
karma of inflicting pain on an evolved being. Research 
suggests that frequent meat eaters are twice as likely to 
get colon cancer and nine times more likely to be obese 
compared to non-beef eaters. It has also been found that at 
the age of 65, the average eater of meat suffers twice the 
bone loss of their vegetarian counterparts.

Alongside the dangers that traditionally-raised beef pose to 
your health are the dangers they pose to your environment. A 
UN report places meat production at top two or three 
contributors to serious environmental problems. It accounts 
for about 20 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions. It takes 
around 20 times more fossil fuel to grow meat compared to 
the equivalent weight of vegetables. An astounding amount of 
water is used to raise meat adding to the problems of water 
scarcity. The vast amounts of petrochemicals, pesticides and 
chemical fertilisers used in meat production find their way 
into waterways, threatening aquatic life. The over-grazing 
of beef cattle and usage of land to grow animal feed 
contribute to soil erosion, food shortages (as the land and 
grains used to feed cattle that feed the affluent competes 
with the grains meant for men), and global warming (from the 
loss of plant life that would otherwise absorb CO2). 
Cattle-farming is also the primary reason for widespread 
deforestation and the resultant biodiversity loss in most 
countries -- the forests of Brazil and China being perfect 

Our ancients were masters of creation, and they were well 
aware of the significance of the cow and the consequences of 
exploiting and abusing it. They called it the fountainhead 
of all bounties. (Dhenu sadanam rayeenaam -- Atharvaved 
11.1.34.). It is the cow which endows us with the bounties 
of milk and dairy products; it is her dung that gives us 
fuel and manure and it is her urine that provides us with 
medicine and fertilisers. When we wish to interact with the 
gods and goddesses, we make use of her ghee and upla to 
perform a yajna. When she licked Kabir on the forehead, he 
was blessed with extraordinary poetic abilities. It's no 
wonder that the cow was revered across cultures and faiths 
-- be it as the Egyptian goddess Hathor, the Gallic divine 
cow Damona, the primeval cow Audhumbla who the Nordic people 
believed brought mankind into existence, the Greek goddess 
Lo, Lord Shiva's favorite Nandi or the cow of plenty, 

Today this bovine goddess is being abused, exploited and 
butchered mercilessly. She is crammed into filthy spaces 
devoid of fresh air, feeds on garbage dumps, is impregnated 
with steroids and antibiotics and eventually slain to give 
us meat. All faiths emphasise the law of karma (action and 
reaction)-- what you sow so shall you reap. One can only 
imagine what we are calling upon ourselves by abusing the 
cow that nourishes and nurtures us. While the effects on our 
bodies are immediate, the effects on our lives would take a 
few years to manifest. The pain that human civilisation is 
going through today, possibly, is the effect of this cause.

Yogi Ashwini is the spiritual head of Dhyan Ashram.

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