thanks Sal - this is good info - and ha ha! I just noticed your e-mail name and 
realized where it comes from - I guess its been so long since I had a meal at 
the restaurant at the end of the universe I am getting inattentive in my old 
age - but come to think of it, the TMO really reminds me of the Dolmansaxlil 
Shoe Corporation.

 From: salyavin808 <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 4:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bootleg UK TM Teachers


--- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Hey Rick,
> I dunno if these folks would fit the bill - they supposedly broke from the 
> regular TMO when the price went to its highest level - one supposes they are 
> not in good standing with the TMO even today, but they use the old percentage 
> of your salary or wages formula

This is the same group, run by one Colin Beckley. I think
the TM Trust must be his new site as it has TM removed from
the name as well as a disclaimer about not being part of the
MF. I understand they've been rather heavy with him about that.

We had a few of his students turn up at our centre once, he'd
told them that they would be welcome at any TM centre! Bit
cheeky I thought as they were really nice and genuine seekers
and didn't deserve to get caught up in TMO bullshit politics.
We had to turn them away and explained the only way the TMO will accept you at 
centres and on courses etc, is if you pay to learn 
again by an accredited, recertified gov.

It's OK getting it on the cheap but I always thought that
missing out on courses at my lovely old Tudor academy would be 
a real shame but CB teaches the "siddhis" now and has courses 
open to any TMer, official or not. So maybe the only thing you 
miss out on is speeches by Bevan. I've heard the atmosphere on 
these courses is great because no one has all the cultish, 
Stalinist baggage that the TMO is saddled with.

Maybe the indies will have more luck levitating than the TMO has.
LOL! That would just about finish me off...


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