>From the Institute of Heartmath's Global Coherence Initiative research 
>project, most of the information in the following link is about earth changes 
>and the North magnetic pole's drift. (Of which I know little about, but 
>thought some here might.)


At the end of the commentary are two photos of saliva samples taken from the 
same person before and after a coherence exercise. I don't recall ever hearing 
about saliva samples that depict coherence. Interesting...

Descriptive paragraph states:

"[...]The first photograph shows a saliva sample from a person in an incoherent 
state; it doesn't have any structure and looks like a blob. After five minutes 
of practicing heart coherence, saliva taken from the same person shows nicely 
formed crystals. Since we are composed of about 70% water, these saliva samples 
indicate that what we feel can have an impact on us.[...] 

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