After hearing on TV a young M.D. tell, that all his allergy
symptoms had disappeared after his starting gluten free diet,
I decided to give it a try.

Some of the results:

1. Within two days of starting it, became so horny that
had to spank the monkey in the night because couldn't 
sleep due to that. I gather that might somehow be
associated with the liver and its production several hormones??

Usually I only jerk off for fun, not because "I have no choice!"
Also my armpits and balls started sweating much more than they 
usually do. Somehow felt like a teenage chap for those reasons.

2. The irritation in my lungs caused by room dust became over
80% less, I'd say.

3. (Unstressing?) The worst lower back pain for years, but
mainly only "positional"(?). That might be just a coincidence...

4. During the night my hands became so hot I thought I'd done
g-tummo without realising it, LOL! Prolly associated with number 1.

So, for undiagnosed celiac brahmacaarins that gluten free diet
might be extremely challenging. Even they need sleep, y'know? :-)

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