Jesus, This Week

News • Breaking News: Boston • News • ISSUE 49•16 • Apr 18, 2013 

Christ, reports confirmed, this is some kind of week. 

WASHINGTON—Calling the last four days of American life just...I mean, talk 
about a goddamned punch in the gut, citizens across the nation confirmed today 
that, Jesus, this week.

This fucking week, sources added.


"Seriously, can we wrap this up already?" Maryland resident James Alderman told 
reporters, echoing the thoughts of all 311 million Americans, who have just 
about reached their weekly goddamned quota for carnage, misery, confusion, 
heartbreak, and rage. "Because, you know, I'm pretty sure we've all had our 
hearts ripped out of our chests and stomped on enough times for one seven-day 
period, thank you very much."...

"Maybe next time we have a week, they can try not to pack it completely to the 
fucking brim with explosions, mutilations, death, manhunts, lies, weeping, and 
the utter uselessness of our political system," said basically every person in 
America who isn't comatose or a complete sociopath. "You know, maybe try to 
spread some of that total misery across the other 51 weeks in the year. Just a 

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