from noozguru, best intentional joke:  I spent the whole day yesterday dodging 
terrorists.  Oh wait, those were just bad drivers.
from Judy, best expression of her *hypochondria:  I'm allergic to dishonesty.

from turq, best surprise ending:  Sigh.
from RD, best no surprise at all:  Ann, wonderfully insightful post to

Best unintentional
 irony, Curtis asking merudanda, " Do you do any magic
Second best
 nickname, Twinkie being the first:  Toots

 example of getting more info than one could ever imagine getting:  it was from 
carde and that's all I'm gonna say!
Best invitation into rabbit hole, from MJ:  Have at it FFL.

Beste from feste:  Someone once said that every man has three lives, a public 
life, a private life, and a secret life. 
My favorite quote to Ann from me:  Yes, I agree that both the Sept 6 upset and 
the psychological rape upset have been blown out of proportion.  But the 
blowers were many!

*hypochondria n. The persistent conviction that one is or is likely to become 
ill, often involving symptoms when 
illness is neither present nor likely,

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